Wednesday, July 31, 2019
The Historical And Social Background Of Mauritius Education Essay
The Republic of Mauritius lies in the south West of the Indian Ocean. It is comprised of the chief island of Mauritius and the islands of Rodrigues, Agalega and Saint Brandon every bit good as a figure of outlying smaller islands. The chief island of Mauritius is situated about 900 kilometers to the E of Madagascar, at latitude 20 South and 57 East. Mauritius was an uninhabited island. It ne'er had an autochthonal population. The Portuguese foremost discovered the island in 1513. Then came the Dutch who rediscovered the island in the late 17th century and abandoned it around 1710. A few old ages subsequently the Gallic came and decided to remain. It was during the period of the Gallic colonization that the island acquired the features of a society and the economical, educational and cultural constructions they established formed the base of development. In 1810, the island was taken over by the British. The British introduced alterations in the island in many Fieldss particularly in the Education Sector. Mauritius became an independent crowned head province on 12 March 1968 and a Republic in 1992. Mauritius is divided into nine territories. The territories are Plaines Wilhems, Port Louis, Moka, Flacq, Black River, Savanne Pamplemousses, Riviere du Rempart, and Grand Port. The Mauritanian society is a multicultural as a consequence of its historical factors. Its population consists of emigres and posterities of emigres from three continents – Europe, Africa and Asia. The assortment of cultural beginnings coupled with the Franco- British historical background gave rise to a complex linguistic communication state of affairs. Gallic Creole is spoken by about the whole population. English is the official linguistic communication and medium of direction for all the other academic topics in schools and French is the 2nd chief linguistic communication taught in schools. Apart from these, a assortment of oriental linguistic communications are taught in schools- Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Mandarin and Arabic. The web of mass media is efficient. Several day-to-day and hebdomadal documents are printed, chiefly in Gallic but besides in other linguistic communications ; wireless, and telecasting broadcasts are in English, French and Oriental Languages. The communicating web is now farther strengthened by the latest information and communicating engineering ( ICT ) services like the Internet. All the primary and secondary schools have computing machine labs and cyberspace services. Some schools even have their web sites. The Mauritanian economic system is turning quickly. It is in the procedure of transmutation from a low accomplishment, low labour-cost economic system to a much more skill-intensive one in which high degrees of instruction and preparation are necessary at all degrees. It is hence of import to maximize the quality of instruction provided at all degrees and to guarantee that pupils go forthing school are equipped with cognition, attitudes and accomplishments that are appropriate for employment in this altering economic system. The population statistics for Mauritius are shown in Table 1.1.1. Table 1.1.1: Population Statisticss for Mauritius. 2000 2007 2008 Population Male Female 1,686,900 588,200 598,700 1,260,400 622,900 637,500 1,268,600 626,600 642,000 Under 15 old ages 15-59 old ages Above 59 old ages Percentage of 25.7 65.2 9.1 Population 23.3 66.7 10.0 32.8 66.9 10.31.2 The Educational System in MauritiusThe battle for ‘Education for All ‘ began in the 1930s and 1940s. With the accomplishment of the constitutional reforms in 1948, there grew a steadfast committedness to it. This was seen in the addition of instruction proviso and more school registration. After Independence in 1968, the accent was on increasing the figure of schools and bettering the school substructure. In the 80 ‘s this changed to the betterment of the quality and the effectivity of those schools. Today, after holding achieved the first end of cosmopolitan primary instruction, the displacement in accent is from enrolment rates and good school substructure to quality and relevancy of instruction. The state ‘s committedness to ‘Education for All ‘ is reflected in its Budget Outgo on Education. Table 1.2.1: Public Recurrent Outgo on Education 2007/08 Sri lanka rupees 2008/09 Sri lanka rupees Pre-Primary Education 110,132,076 116,934,998 Primary Education 1,868,909,408 1,862,261,704 Secondary Education 4,107,591,263 4,212,434,404 Particular Education Needs 17,707,557 18,348,269 Technical & A ; Vocational Education and preparation 293,646,227 299,735,575 Third Education 825,424,624 858,743,267 Continuing Education 166,588,844 173,632,783 Entire 7,390,000,000 7,542,000,000 Schooling in Mauritius is based on the 6 + 5 + 2 system, inherited from the British, with 6 old ages of primary instruction taking to the Certificate of Primary Education ( CPE ) , followed by 5 old ages of secondary instruction taking to the Cambridge School Certificate ( SC ) and a farther two old ages taking to the Cambridge Higher School Certificate ( HSC ) or GCE ‘A ‘ degree scrutinies.1.2.1: Pre Primary EducationAround 95 % of our kids attend pre-primary schools. In 2008, about 1070 pre-primary schools were officially registered with the Ministry of Education and Human Resources with a population of 29,738 kids, 2,541 instructors and 919 non-teaching staff. A pre-primary unit has been established in the Ministry to beef up the pre-primary sector and to supervise its advancement. At this phase itself, the students are bit by bit exposed to English and Gallic linguistic communications. The lessons ( chiefly mathematics and life accomplishments ) are conducted in Engli sh.1.2.2 Primary EducationPrimary instruction is free and compulsory, for kids belonging to the age group of 5-12 old ages, in Mauritius. There are 302 primary schools out of which 220 are run by the authorities and 51 by the Roman Catholic Education Authority ( RCEA ) , 2 by the Hindu Education Authority and the other 29 are Private non-aided schools. Legislation has been introduced since 1991 to do primary instruction compulsory and a common school course of study is used. In 2008, the primary school population was 114,007 ( 58128 male childs and 55879 misss ) . Consequently 98 % of the Mauritanian population of primary school age attended school. Currently, the topics taught are English, Gallic, Mathematics, Environmental Studies, Creative Education, and Physical Education. Seven Asiatic Languages, viz. , Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi and Modern Chinese are besides taught to students who opt to analyze any one of them. Students enter Grade 1 ( besides called Standard I in Mauritius ) at the age of five and take CPE scrutiny after six old ages of schooling. This scrutiny is mandatory and is besides used to rank students for entree to topographic points in the extremely rated secondary schools. From Grade 1, the pupils under the primary instruction in Mauritius automatically travel up to Rate 4. After Grade 4, the pupils undergo a biennial readying for the CPE scrutinies and end-of-year concluding scrutinies for both classs 4 and 5 are prepared at national degree by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources. Progress towards quality in primary instruction is seen in high registration rates, investing in infrastructure- school edifices, resort areas, school- gardens, audio-visual installations, school libraries, diminishing pupil-teacher ratio, control of school conveyance, school feeding plan, school wellness plan, proviso of free text-books, teacher instruction and an effectual appraisal system. Of the 7542 million of rupees budget in 2008/2009 devoted to instruction, 24.7 % goes to primary sector. Soon, there are 8090 instructors involved in the Primary schools. In peculiar, 5454 are learning staff, 4080 General Purpose Teachers and 1374 Oriental Language Teachers. The staying 2636 comprised 303 Head Teachers, 918 Deputy Head Teachers and 1415 Administrative and other workers. Table shows the Certificate for Primary Education ( CPE ) scrutiny consequences for last four old ages. Despite the consistent care of the per centum base on balls, the high failure rates can non be ignored. Capable 2004 2005 2006 2007 English 71.3 73.3 75.8 74.7 Gallic 71.8 69.7 76.6 71.1 Mathematicss 73.9 73.1 73.6 72.6 Electron volt 71.0 75.1 73.4 70.0 Science 77.4 75.0 70.1 72.3 Table Percentage Base on balls at CPE Examination1.2.3 Secondary EducationFree secondary instruction was introduced in 1977. In 2008, there were 69 State Schools and 106 private schools which were supplying secondary instruction. The private schools are besides allocated authorities financess through the Private Secondary Schools Authority ( PSSA ) , which besides provides proficient advice and counsel. In 2008, there were 112,995 students in secondary schools ( 55 873 misss and 58 730 male childs ) . Some secondary schools are considered as ‘star ‘ schools. This accounts for the high competition at the CPE scrutiny, as merely those ranked are chosen to travel to these schools. This state of affairs is likely to prevail until all secondary schools are considered ‘equal ‘ in resources and quality. To fulfill the demands of the labor market, alterations are being introduced bit by bit, at the upper secondary degree with Business and Technical watercourses. The Industrial Vocational Training Board ( IVTB ) , which was established in 1989, provides vocational preparation. Other administrations such as Handicraft Centres and the Lycee Polytechnique besides help out in Vocational Training.1.2.4 Teacher TrainingIn primary schools, instructors are classified into two classs: the General Purpose instructors and the Oriental Language instructors. The General Purpose instructors have to learn at least four topics including Mathematics, English Language, Gallic Language and Environmental Science. The Oriental linguistic communication instructor has to learn merely one oriental linguistic communication. They have all followed a biennial pre-service preparation class, taking to a Certificate in Primary Education. This class is conducted by the Mauritius Institute of Education ( MIE ) . The class involves pedagogical, learning methods and regular visit to primary schools. During the preparation, instructors besides have to make learning pattern in schools. There is a major programme for upgrading primary school instructors, taking to an Advanced Certificate. Particular preparation for remedial instruction is besides being provided. Most of the instructors recruited to work in the Secondary Schools possess a Bachelor ‘s grade. Every instructor is required to learn one topic merely. However, there are some instructors who possess a sheepskin merely and accordingly they are allowed to learn pupils up to School Certificate ; nevertheless, these instructors can follow a Bachelor in Education grade at the MIE. Courses taking to Post-Graduate Certificate in Education ( PGCE ) are besides organised for in-service secondary school instructors. Recently, classs taking to Masters Degree Education are being conducted jointly by MIE and abroad universities.1.2.5 Third EducationThird Education was made free in Mauritius in 1988. This sector comprises the University of Mauritius, University of Technology Mauritius, Mauritius Institute of Education, Mahatma Gandhi Institute and Mauritius College of the Air. The Mauritius Institute of Education ( MIE ) runs classs in Pre-School Education and Educational Administration every bit good as preparation classs for Primary and Secondary teachers- Certificate and Advanced Certificate for Primary School Teachers ; Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor in Education and PGCE for Secondary School Teachers. Recently, it has started a Maestro in Education class in coaction with the University of Brighton, UK. The Mahatma Gandhi Institute ( MGI ) , in coaction with University of Mauritius ( UOM ) and the MIE, runs classs at degree degree and Teacher Training Certificate classs in Asiatic Languages, every bit good as Diploma courses in Indian Music and Dance, the Humanistic disciplines and Hindi Studies. The Mauritius College of the Air ( MCA ) provides media support in assorted educational spheres, with wireless and telecasting programmes at different degrees. It is to be used as a Resource Centre for Distance Education. The Tertiary Education Commission ( TEC ) established in 1988, is the agent for planning and co-ordination of third instruction. It has established machinery for advancing research in different countries in the different establishments. By and large, the primary-level instructors join the profession with Higher School Certificate ( HSC ) as making. Nowadays, there are many new instructors who already possessed a sheepskin or grade from a university ( chiefly MIE or UOM ) . Then they undergo mandatory 3-year preparation at the MIE on full-time footing. During their preparation, they are besides posted to schools under counsel of experient instructors for learning pattern.1.2.6 Curriculum DevelopmentThe National Centre for the Curriculum Research and Development ( NCCRD ) has been set up to fix curriculum stuffs and circulate them efficaciously to schools. The kernel in the invention of puting up a separate Centre for course of study development is that: It is designed to work with students, instructors, caputs of schools who constitute the most of import portion of the system. Ultimately, it is the schools which will do the procedure of course of study development an effectual agencies of conveying about reform and alteration in the system. It pools limited fiscal resources in order to work the cardinal issues in course of study development. It has become the focal point for partnerships for like-interest groups by tapping the best professional expertness at all degrees and in making so it has become the chief beginning of invention and betterment in schools. The inventions undertaken in course of study development have led to a replacing of unequal traditional processs for course of study preparation through ad-hoc commissions, a re-appraisal of the lower-secondary and primary school curricular and in the devise of a new course of study model. For each topic and each degree, course of study panels consisting representatives from MIE, Mahatma Gandhi Institute ( MGI ) , Mauritius Examination Syndicate ( MES ) , Ministry of Education and Human Resources, caput instructors and instructors prepare the course of study stuffs harmonizing to national, educational, pedagogical and psychological norms. These are trialled before concluding printing and distribution to schools. The NCCRD is governed by a board that controls and proctors book production harmonizing to national norms. Textbooks are prepared for all degrees: pre-primary, primary, lower secondary and basic secondary schools- for all topics including Movement Education and Creative Education. Together with text editions, instructors ‘ ushers and other instructional stuffs are prepared for distribution to schools. Regular sensitization workshops are held both in Mauritius and Rodrigues on the usage of the books.1.2.7 Examinations and AppraisalsExaminations have an of import function in bettering the quality of instruction. The Mauritius Examination Syndicate is the chief establishment concerned with scrutinies. At the primary degree, for class 1 to 5, each school has its ain appraisal patterns based on the national course of study aims as spelt out in the text edition. The Ministry of Education, and Human Resources prepares the terminal of twelvemonth scrutinies for classs 4 and 5, nevertheless, these are school based. The Certificate of Primary Education ( CPE ) is a national scrutiny held at the terminal of six old ages of primary schooling. It is both a trial of the degree of attainment of every kid every bit good as a selective device for admittance to the best secondary schools. The MES takes luxuriant attention in the design, disposal, taging, security and equity of the scrutinies. To supervise learning accomplishment and to better criterions on instruction, the MES has developed a Learning Competency Project and laid down Learning Competencies for each age degree in footings of Essential and Desirable Competencies. The doctrine behind the puting down of ELCs ( Essential Learning Comp etencies ) for all kids and DLCs ( Desirable Learning Competencies ) for those who can travel beyond the indispensable is that no kid should be hurried along in order to finish the ‘syllabus ‘ without understanding but besides that no kid should be held back because of others who need a longer clip to understand and absorb what they learn. Therefore, the CPE scrutinies are based on ELCs and DLCs. As yet, there is no formal system of Continuous Assessment in our primary schools, although there have been a few efforts to present it. The new educational reforms emphasise the demand for a sound system of Continuous Assessment in primary schools. At secondary degree, the MES organises and behaviors scrutinies in coaction with the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate. The scrutinies are held at the terminal of the 5th twelvemonth ( 16+ ) of the secondary rhythm taking to the attainment of ‘O ‘ degrees ( School Certificate Examination ) and the terminal of the 7th twelvemonth ( 18+ ) of secondary rhythm taking to the attainment of ‘A ‘ degrees ( Higher School Certificate Examination ) . The MES plays an of import function in mauritianising the scrutinies, therefore doing the scrutiny geared to the demands of the state every bit good as maintaining international criterions. Through the puting up of Examinations Capable Advisory Panels- which comprise all spouses in each subject- the course of study, text editions, etc. are closely monitored and alterations are subtly brought to the system. For School Certificate scrutinies, 17 topics are locally marked. Campaigners have a wider scope of topics, 45 at School Certificate degree and 40 at Higher School Certificate degree. Each campaigner chooses 7 to 8 topics at SC degree and 3 chief topics and 2 subordinate 1s at HSC degree. Regular preparation of instructors in the usage of the scrutinies course of study, taging strategies, paper scenes etc. is done and therefore doing scrutinies an of import agencies of bettering criterions and the quality of instruction.Understanding GeometryThe term â€Å" geometry †merely means â€Å" earth step †( ‘Geo ‘ intending ‘Earth ‘ and ‘metry ‘ significance ‘measurement ‘ ) . Geometry is one of the longest constituted subdivisions of mathematics and its beginnings can be traced back through a broad scope of civilization and civilizations. Several research workers have defined geometry in their ain footings and experience. Some common 1s are discussed in this subdivision. Geometry is the term given to the apprehension of hold oning infinite. Such understanding helps pupils represent and do sense of the universe. In order to develop spacial sense, pupils must make more than larn the names of forms. They need to analyze features and belongingss of geometric forms and develop an apprehension about relationships that exist among them ( Gould, 2003 ) . Geometry, says the celebrated UK Mathematician Sir Michael Atiyah ( 2001 ) , is one of the two pillars of mathematics ( the other being algebra ) . Sir Michael Atiyah writes: Spatial intuition or spacial perceptual experience is an tremendously powerful tool and that is why geometry is really such a powerful portion of mathematics- non merely for things that are non. We try to set them into geometrical signifier because that enables us to utilize our intuitionaˆÂ ¦ ( Atiyah, 2001, p.50 ) By concentrating on geometry, the focal point is on the development and application of spacial constructs through which kids learn to stand for and do sense of the universe. â€Å" Geometry is hold oning spaceaˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦that infinite in which the kid lives, breathes and moves†¦ ..the infinite that the kid must larn to cognize, explore, conquer, in order to populate, breathe and travel better in it †( Freudenthal, 1973, p.403 ) . Geometry is an abstract subdivision of mathematics that helps pupils ground and understand the self-evident construction of mathematics. It is concerned with happening the belongingss and the measuring of certain geometric objects. Geometric belongingss are those belongingss of the objects that remain invariant under certain transmutations when the sizes and measurings of the objects change ( National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2000 ) . Godfrey, a taking reformist in England at the start of the twentieth century, argued that mathematics is non undertaken entirely by logic but that another power is necessary. He called this ‘geometrical power ‘ , depicting it as ‘the power we exercise when we solve a rider ( a hard geometrical job or cogent evidence ) . To develop this power, Godfrey argued, it is indispensable to develop pupils ‘ â€Å" geometrical oculus †, something he defined as â€Å" the power of seeing geometrical belongingss detach themselves from a figure †( Godfrey, 1910 ) . Piaget relates geometry as the scientific discipline of infinite. He describes the development of the kid ‘s representational infinite every bit good as the mental image of the existent infinite in which the kid is moving where â€Å" mental representation is non simply a callback from a memory bank but it is an active Reconstruction of an object at the symbolic degree. Therefore, geometry is the survey of points, lines, angles and forms, and their relationships and belongingss. It sounds like a batch to cognize, but much of it is already in your caput. Geometry is all around us. If people did n't believe about geometry, they would n't be able to construct great constructions such as pyramids or even simple things that are level as a tabular array.1.4 Geometry as a Basic SkillGeometry is besides considered as a basic accomplishment. Sherard ( 1981 ) provinces seven grounds that show geometry is a basic accomplishment: Its usage as an assistance for communicating. Its application in real-life jobs. When depicting the location of topographic points or when giving waies, geometric footings such as â€Å" parallel to †and â€Å" diagonally from †are used extensively. It is used as an application in other subjects in mathematics and to fix pupils to analyze classs in higher maths and scientific disciplines. It helps pupils to develop spacial perceptual experience and stimulate & A ; exercise general thought and problem-solving accomplishments. It helps pupils to understand and appreciate the beauty of the physical universe. Many of the footings used to place, infer and ground can be used outside of the geometry sphere. As stated, geometry is a basic accomplishment since it is an of import assistance for communicating. Our basic speech production and composing vocabularies have many geometric footings: e.g. point, line, plane, curve, angle, analogue, circle, square, rectangle and trigon. If we are to pass on to others the location, size or form of an object, geometric nomenclature is indispensable. We use geometric nomenclature in depicting forms of objects: â€Å" The floor tiles are trim or the headlamps on that theoretical account of the auto are rectangles †or in giving waies: â€Å" Church Street is parallel to Main Street or do a right bend at the 2nd traffic visible radiation †( Sherard, 1981 ) .1.5 Importance and Applications of GeometryUnderstanding of form and infinite begins with babes as they learn to creep and walk, detecting the universe and infinite around them ( Doverburg & A ; Prambling Samuelson, 2001 ) . Children come to school holding some ocular and spacial accom plishments. Many kids have experienced building of playthings, saber saw, mystifiers, drama dough, computing machine games, mounting, resort area equipment at place and kindergarten. Children foremost develop inactive schemes as they explore their physical environment and stuffs. As they notice belongingss and develop constructs about forms around them, they begin to understand dynamic imagination and are able to work out spacial jobs. Geometric and spacial thought are non merely of import in their ain right but besides because they provide a foundation for much mathematical acquisition in other countries ( Clements, 2000 ) . An illustration of this is the usage of drawings and manipulatives in the development of apprehension of fractions ( e.g cut a circle into 4 equal parts to explicate one-quarter ) . The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics ( NCTM, 2000 ) recognises its importance as a foundation: ‘As pupils become familiar with form, construction, location, and transmutations and as they develop spacial logical thinking, they lay the foundation for understanding non merely their spacial universe but besides subjects in mathematics and in art, scientific discipline and societal surveies ‘ ( p.97 ) . Geometry can be used to visualize other signifiers of mathematics. Rectangles can be used to show the distributive belongings during direction of arithmetic, in general, and to exemplify happening binomial merchandises during direction of algebra. Using and understanding the belongingss of geometric figures as manipulatives can assist pupil understand combinatorics, analysis of inequalities, and analytic geometry ( Schielock, 1987 ) and geometry representations are used to understand certain constructs in concretion ( Balamenos, Ferrini- Mundy & A ; Dick, 1987 ) . Willson ( 1977 ) further advocates that geometry has an of import topographic point in mathematics because it Enables the survey of the Physical universe. Deals with visual image, pulling, and building of the figures. Enables the representation of the constructs in mathematics which are non ocular. Gives us pleasance and it is aesthetic. Hershkowitz et Al. ( 1987 ) provinces, â€Å" This basic cognition which comprises geometric constructs, their properties and simple relationships should, in general, be acquired through geometrical experiences prior to secondary school †. In fact, direction of informal geometry at the simple degree is needed to construct a foundation of vocabulary, explorative accomplishments, intuitive point of view, and apprehension of geometric relationships, in readying for analyzing the formal, demonstrative, geometry offered at the secondary degree and beyond ( Trafton and LeBlanc, 1973 ) . Geometry is one strand of mathematics that has application in callings necessitating advanced direction such as art, architecture, interior design and scientific discipline, but it besides has its applications in proficient callings such as woodworking, plumbing and drawing every bit good as day-to-day life. Transformational geometry is seen in art and that construct is integrated into archeology in the survey of the designs applied to pottery and other artifacts in different civilizations and different epochs. In day-to-day life and vocational calling, many constructs and techniques are transferred from the geometry schoolroom to the field ( e.g. woodworking & A ; plumbing ) . Geometry is besides rich in other applications like Computer Aided Design ( CAD ) and geometric modeling ( including designing, modifying and manufactured constituents ) . Roboticss. Computer life and ocular presentations. However, there is an even more of import ground for puting greater accent on the instruction of geometry. It involves the use of mental images, which is frequently called ocular thought. Problem work outing in all strands of mathematics depends on organizing mental images of the state of affairs in which the job is embedded and so ‘finding ‘ a image of the mathematical thought that lucifers. The ability to mentally organize, rearrange and lucifer images is important to all facets of mathematics, peculiarly job resolution.1.6 Purposes of Teaching GeometryThe purposes for mathematics learning in general are frequently listed in footings of the demand of life and work ; the demand to develop logical thought ; mathematics as a signifier of communicating ; and the development of an consciousness of mathematics as portion of our civilization. Purposes which might be appropriate for the geometry course of study could be a subset or amplification of these. We might believe that geometry is an country of mathematics in which it is peculiarly appropriate for students to develop the accomplishments needed for the universe of work ; develop logical thought accomplishments ; clear up the precise usage of linguistic communication ( e.g. through sorting forms in a survey of transmutations ) ; see the nexus between mathematics and other topics ; get down to understand the nature of cogent evidence ( e.g. through researching what â€Å" being convinced †has meant at different points in history ) ; understand the cardinal topographic point of job work outing in modern civilization, e.g. in a mathematically based design undertaking ; import the cognition needed to analyze more mathematics ; and learn the reading and reading of mathematical statements ( Jones, 2000, pp. 38-39 ) . The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics ( 1989 ) Curriculum has elaborated on the undermentioned geometry competences that pupils must take to: identify, describe, comparison, theoretical account, draw and sort geometric figures in two or three dimensions ; develop spacial sense ; explore the effects of transforming, uniting, subdividing, and altering geometric figures ; understand, apply and deduce belongingss of relationships between geometric figures, including congruity and similarity ; develop an grasp of geometry as a agency of depicting and patterning the physical universe ; explore man-made, transformational and coordinate attacks to geometry, with college-bound pupils besides required to develop an apprehension of self-evident system through investigation and comparing assorted geometric system ; and explore a vector attack to certain facets of geometry.1.7 The Geometry Curriculum at Primary-level in MauritiusThe indispensable acquisition competences for the subject geometry at the primary degree are as follows Rate One Recognizing, calling and following circle, rectangle, square and trigon. Indentifying forms placed horizontal, perpendicular and in oblique ( slant ) places. Grade Two Recognizing and calling the following 3D forms: regular hexahedrons, cylinders, cones, domains and cuboids. Identifying the above mentioned 3D forms in different orientation. Grade Three Forming forms with squares, rectangles and trigons ( besides involves coloring ) . Introducing footings associated with regular hexahedron and cuboids: face, vertex and border ( besides include cut & amp ; paste to organize regular hexahedrons and cuboids ) . Pulling activities affecting symmetricalness. Rate Four Pulling and placing horizontal and perpendicular lines. Identifying objects placed horizontally or vertically. Pulling and placing parallel lines. Pulling and placing diagonal lines in 2D forms. Recognizing and pulling parallelogram, diamond, kite, square and rectangle. Writing belongingss of each of the five 2D forms. Identifying parallelogram, diamond, kite, square and rectangles from 2D forms. Pulling squares and rectangles on square documents. Researching symmetricalness of forms and geometrical objects. Pulling lines of symmetricalness on objects in square paper. Completing objects when half of it is given together with the line of symmetricalness. Grade Five Pulling, mensurating and comparing angles. Identifying right angles and complete bends. Identifying and calling different types of trigons. Learning the belongingss of the different types of trigons. Pulling lines of symmetricalness for different figures. Identifying objects with or without lines of symmetricalness. Grade Six Further illustrations on different types of Quadrilaterals and their belongingss: rectangle, square, parallelogram, diamond, kite, arrowhead and trapezium. Recognizing and appellative Pentagons and hexagons. Identifying and pulling diagonals in polygons. Further illustrations on different types of trigons and their belongingss: equilateral, isosceles, scalene and right-angled.1.8 The Decline in Geometry PerformanceResearch has shown that we can better pupils ‘ cognition and ability to visualize and ground about the spacial universe in which they live but are the pupils accomplishing this cognition and these abilities. Third International Mathematics and Science Study ( TIMSS ) and National Assessment of Educational Progress ( NAEP ) have collected informations that show that pupil public presentation in geometry at all degrees is rather alarming ( Lappan, 1999 ) . To some extent, these jobs may be due to the comparatively limited measure of research that has been undertaken into pupils ‘ thought in geometry at the school degree, which in bend, may stem from a sensed absence of a theoretical model ( Pegg & A ; Davey, 1998 ) . For case, harmonizing to extended ratings of mathematics larning, simple and in-between school pupils in the United States are neglecting to larn basic geometric constructs and geometric job work outing ; they are deplorably underprepared for the survey of more sophisticated geometric constructs and cogent evidence ( Carpenter, Corbitt, Kepner, Lindquist & A ; Rey, 1980 ; Fey et al. , 1984 ; Kouba et al. , 1988 ; Stevenson, Lee & A ; Strigler, 1986 ; Strigler, Lee & A ; Stevenson, 1990 ) . Extensive ratings of mathematics larning indicate that simple pupils are neglecting to larn basic geometric constructs and geometric job work outing. Apparently, much acquisition of geometric constructs has been by rote ; they often do non recognize constituents, belongingss and relationships between belongingss ( Clements & A ; Battista, 1992b ) . It is observed that kids learn small about forms from preschool to middle school. For illustration, Approximately 60 % of kindergartners identified right trigons and 64 % to 81 % of simple pupils were successful in the same undertaking. Approximately 54 % of kindergartners & A ; 63 to 68 % of simple pupils were able to place rectangles. ( Clements et al. , 1999 ) . Another major job, as identified by the International Commission on Mathematics Instruction ( ICMI ) Study, is that, unlike in Numberss and algebra, â€Å" a simple, clear, ‘hierarchical ‘ way from first beginnings to the more, advanced accomplishments of geometryaˆÂ ¦ has non yet been found and possibly does non be at all †( Mammana & A ; Villani, 1998 ) . This means that the dealingss between intuitive, inductive and deductive attacks to geometrical objects, the usage of practical experiments and the age at which geometrical constructs should be introduced are far from clear. Many research workers ( Usiskin, 1987 ; Swafford et al. , 1997 ; Clements, 2003 ) have agreed that the degree of understanding that pupils achieve for any construct is limited by the degree of understanding of their instructor and the school course of study. Anecdotal grounds suggests many instructors do non see geometry and spacial dealingss to be of import subjects which give rise to the feelings that geometry lacks steadfast way and intent. Besides, Porter ( 1989 ) reported that the 4th and 5th class instructors spent virtually no clip learning geometry. Even when taught, geometry was the subject most often identified as being taught simply for â€Å" exposure †, that is, geometry was given merely brief casual coverage. For case, the Program for International Student Assessment ( PISA ) Survey shows that in Belgium, primary school instructors are uncomfortable in learning geometry. They tend to avoid the topic in the first and 2nd class and they barely of all time approach solid geometry ( Demal, 2004 ) . Besides, the demand for betterment in geometry instruction and acquisition in the primary, in-between and high school classs is clearly apparent in international comparings such as Tendencies in International Mathematics and Science Study and PISA. The study on the instruction and acquisition of geometry by the Royal Society and Joint Mathematical Council ( 2001 ) argues that â€Å" the most important part to betterments in geometry instruction will be made by the development of good theoretical accounts of teaching method, supported by carefully designed activities and resources †( p.19 ) . In fact, a primary cause of this hapless public presentation in geometry may be the course of study ; both in what subjects are treated and how they are treated. The failure of bing pedagogic theoretical accounts for geometry means that across many states of import facets of geometry ( such as work in 3D ) are omitted, there is an over-reliance on learning methods that rely entirely on memorisation. It is claimed that current primary geometry course of study disregards and do non advance chances for pupils to utilize their basic intuitions and simple constructs to come on to higher degrees of geometric ideas. This job becomes more evident in high school where pupils are required to use their deductive logical thinking ( Hoffer, 1981 ; Shaughnessy & A ; Burger, 1985 ) . As the ICMI Study inside informations, the chief effects of these jobs have been that many states have tried to short-circuit the obstructions by cutting down the sum of geometry taught or fall backing to pedagogical attacks that rely to a great extent on memorization. As a consequence, there is non much in the manner of a base if good pattern on which to establish development. This is why the Royal Society and Joint Mathematical Council ( 2001 ) study argues that there is a farther job: â€Å" We believe that there are many instructors who have been taught geometry through manners of learning which we would non recommend as appropriate †( p.19 ) .1.9 Significance of the StudyThis survey will stand for an overall analysis of instruction and acquisition of 2D geometry among upper primary degree in Mauritius. The relevancy of the existent instruction and acquisition of geometry will be discussed. As such, this survey will do a important part to our speculating with regard to classroom instruction and acquisition of geometry, to our apprehension and optimisation of the patterns employed in schoolroom scenes and to our apprehension of those facets of scholars and instructor patterns ( and their interrelatedness ) . It will assist to find whether the usage of inquiry-based instruction along with concrete stuffs and manipulatives can better acquisition of 2D geometry. It will besides assist to analyze the impact of linguistic communication and socio-economic position of students on acquisition of 2D geometry.2.0 Research QuestionsA series of chief research inquiries together with their sub research inquiries are addressed in this survey. Each sub research inquiry is described along with a brief sum-up of how it will be addressed.Research Question 1Is the 2D geometry course of study at the upper primary degree in Mauritius appropriate and relevant? Are at that place ways to farther better it? This chief research inquiry is further divided into a more specific set of inquiries. 1.1 What is the degree of 2D geometry acquisition among upper primary students in Mauritius? This research work will measure the students apprehension of the different content countries of 2D geometry via the experimental instruction and their public presentation in the multiple pick inquiry paper and open-ended inquiry trial. The students ‘ new wave Hiele degree of believing in different 2D geometry points will be tested. Misconceptions about 2D geometry will be detected and remedial actions proposed. The keeping ability of the 2D geometry lessons taught to the upper primary degree student will be examined. 1.2 Is the upper primary 2D geometry course of study run intoing its end? Are at that place ways to better it? This survey will affect a scrutinize analysis of the content countries of the 2D geometry course of study at the upper primary degree. All its positive and negative facets encountered in the experimental instruction will be discussed. Ways to better the 2D geometry course of study will be proposed. 1.3 Do the students ‘ gender and/or grade flat influence their acquisition of 2D geometry lessons significantly? This survey will besides prove whether acquisition of 2D geometry is perceived otherwise by male childs and misss and whether the keeping ability of students is gender dependant. Both 4th and 5th graders are taught the same 2D geometry lessons. It is farther targeted to analyze whether ripening ( gradewise ) has a important impact on public presentation and keeping ability of the 2D geometrical constructs.Research Question 2Can the usage of different learning schemes improve the instruction and acquisition of 2D geometry at the upper primary degree in Mauritius? This chief research inquiry is further divided into a more specific set of inquiries. 2.1 Can the utilizations of manipulatives, concrete stuffs and inquiry-based instruction methods significantly influence 2D geometry acquisition at the upper primary degree in Mauritius? This survey will compare instruction of 2D geometry utilizing usual instruction methods ( utilize blackboard and notes from text edition for account and do exercisings from text edition for consolidation of larning ) and usage of probe and enquiry to learn 2D geometry lessons with the extra assistance of concrete stuffs and manipulatives. The efficiency of the methods will be foremost judged utilizing 2 instruments. First, 2 geometry trials will be conducted, one affecting multiple pick inquiries merely and the other affecting open-ended inquiries merely. Second, the students ‘ engagement, involvement, interaction in category with instructor and friends, engagement and enthusiasm in the geometry lessons will be determined. For this intent, the lessons will be videotaped so that the students ‘ reactions, involvement and gestures during the lessons can be analysed. 2.2 Does the usage of different learning schemes influence the students ‘ keeping ability significantly? The two instruments used for comparing of larning through different instruction schemes will be once more conducted after 7 or 8 hebdomads in order to prove which of the methods better aid to retain the lessons taught. 2.3 Do gender and/or class degree interact significantly with the different instruction schemes in the learning procedure of 2D geometry? It is besides aimed to prove the multivariate interaction between the 4 instruction schemes, grade degree and gender in the procedure of larning 2D geometry. It will analyze whether male childs and misss from classs 4 and 5 interact otherwise with the learning schemes in their public presentations.Research Question 3Is linguistic communication a barrier to acquisition of 2D geometry? This chief research inquiry is further divided into a more specific set of inquiries. 3.1 Does the usage of mother-tongue Creole influence the acquisition of 2D geometry significantly? Creole is the most normally spoken linguistic communication in Mauritius whereas the foreign linguistic communication English is the official linguistic communication used in learning at schools. This survey will prove whether the engagement of a foreign linguistic communication in the instruction of 2D geometry addition its trouble. Since Creole is non yet a linguistic communication with its proper grammar for authorship, it is merely widely spoken. Therefore, the geometry are written in English but explained in Creole. The purpose is besides to happen if the usage of Creole helps the kid to better retain the lessons. 3.2 Does linguistic communication factor combined with different learning schemes improve acquisition of 2D geometry significantly? English and Creole are combined with the 2 instruction schemes proposed ( usual schoolroom learning utilizing text edition merely and inquiry-based instruction with concrete stuffs and manipulatives ) to analyze whether linguistic communication interact with the learning schemes to better public presentation in 2D geometry significantly.Research Question 4What are the comparative impact of place and student features in finding public presentation of students? This chief research inquiry is further divided into a more specific set of inquiries. 4.1 What are the important home-related factors act uponing public presentation of students? Based on extended research available on impact of place environment on scholastic public presentation, home-related indices ( refering kid SES, handiness of educational resources at place and parent attitude towards educating kids ) will be constructed from a questionnaire filled by the parents of all surveyed students. Using structural equation modeling ( AMOS in this survey ) , the important home-related factors will be extracted to make latent variables in order to better mensurate their impact on kids public presentation. 4.2 What are the important pupil-related factors act uponing public presentation of students? It is good known that student ‘s personal features contribute tremendously towards his/her academic success. Based on a questionnaire filled by surveyed students, pupil-related indices ( refering pupil attitude towards prep, school and instructor ; reading corner ; pupil reading stuffs at place and students ‘ linguistic communication ability ) will be constructed. Using structural equation modeling ( AMOS in this survey ) , the important pupil-related factors will be extracted to make latent variables in order to better mensurate their impact on kids public presentation. Taking these research inquiries in combination, this research work seeks to find the instruction and learning patterns of 2D geometry in the upper primary schools in Mauritius. It besides involves proving of new experimental instruction schemes in order to optimise acquisition of 2D geometry locally. As Mauritius is a multiracial state where the societal background of the kids can play a really important function in their acquisition procedure, the survey will utilize the informations collected to pull decisions refering critical contextual factors act uponing acquisition.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Is There a Biodiversity Crisis Essay
Most commonly, biodiversity is referred to as the differences in the forms of life inside an ecosystem. There are different definitions regarding to the scope and to whoever has defined the word biodiversity. The first definition which the most common definition of the word states that biodiversity is the variation of life at levels of biological organization. This definition simply states that biodiversity claims the general differences in the living organisms that exist in an ecosystem. The second definition characterizes biodiversity as an assessment of the overall health of an ecosystem. The health of an ecosystem is relatively based on the number of species that thrives in an ecosystem. Thus, biodiversity is also measure of the relative physical condition of the different organisms alive in an ecosystem. Another definition, which is most commonly used by ecologists, describes biodiversity as the entirety of the genes, species and ecosystems of a certain region. This third definition relates the three basic levels that identify biodiversity: (1) genetic diversity, (2) species diversity and, (3) ecosystem diversity. In the main, biodiversity for ecologists also relates the interactions of species to species and also the interaction of the species to the environment they are in. Therefore, it is not only the species of organism that are interacting with one another but also the organism are interacting with the air, soil, water and the factors that constitutes the totality of the environment. The environment is very essential to all the living forms in the planet. Clearly, it is the provider of our most basic needs: food, water and air. It gives us water for drinking, air for breathing, food to supply as with energy and other necessities. Humans are pat of a very big ecosystem – the earth. With all the animals and the other forms of living things in the earth interacting with one another, surely, one kind of species needs the other in order to survive. Such as the way the spider needs its web and the horse needs the grass, all the organisms, need the planet’s wealth in order to survive. The collection of plants and animals are the ones that keep an ecosystem stable. The more diverse an ecosystem is, the more that it is stable and the more that it is likely to survive. Biodiversity crisis is one of the threats that lead to the extinction of certain species of animals and plants. Still, nobody knows the importance of each and every living thing on earth. However, their loss can be equated to a loss in medicine, technology and balance in nature, which in turn mar risk the lives of humans. Factors There are so many factors that contribute to the weakening and deterioration of biodiversity. It includes too much use and over exploitation, physical and chemical modification of the areas which serves as habitats for certain organism, introduction of foreign species of organisms to an area and modifications in the conditions of habitats. Some factors that contribute to the total fall of biodiversity in an area are also socially based. This includes rapid population growth, over exploitation of resources, useless and ineffective knowledge, unworthy management and increasing demand for areas to be modified into industrial and technological spots. Human activity is a large fraction of the causes of biodiversity crisis of the world. The diverse activities of humans can be accounted as the primary cause of the degradation of the diversity of life of the planet. Certain human activities create a huge impact to the environment. Two of which are human population and the level of consumption of humankind. These two factors constitutes to the major environmental changes that are happening in the planet. Also, the principal activities of humans for the purpose of his survival in the planet such as agriculture, fishing, hunting, manufacturing, trade, industry, and even recreational activities such as hiking, mountaineering and tours are directly and indirectly creating a major effect on the environmental balance. Records show that hunting and sever use and exploitation of the animal life and environment are the most cases that can be observed in the word today. These activities are the biggest threats to the existence of various kinds of animals not only in Tibet but also in other countries such as Thailand and Philippines. In Tibet, exploitation of animals is a major environmental problem. Animals are being killed for commercial reasons. Skin of rare animals, antlers of deer, heads of various animals mostly the Tibetan gazelle and fur of wild animals such as leopards can be seen in the market and are sold openly without penalties and forced restrictions by the authorities. More to that, hunters are not only free to kill animals in the wild but also, they can get their own permit to hunt in the wild. They are given permit to kill animals for the purpose of producing income and for the purpose of causing a rapid decrease in the population of the animals that they use for commercial purposes. Also, another major cause of biodiversity crisis in the world and still, an example of human activity is forest degradation and transformation of habitats to industrial sites. Forest degradation does not only concern the loss of trees in the rainforests but also the loss of the animals that depends on these trees for survival. Wide exploitation of the forests has been recorded in most of the countries in the world as early as human population began to rapidly increase. The act of cutting trees to be used either for construction of houses or for the purpose of selling to companies and other groups and for the purpose of having a new site wherein industries, houses, subdivisions and chemical plants are to be erected, all constitutes to the improper and over utilization of resources. These activities are the roots of extensive migration of birds and animals to other areas which causes over crowding of species in an area and wide losses in certain species that eventually dies due to the loss of trees and the loss of the existence of rainforests which serves as their habitat. Losses These human activities in effect, cause enormous impact to the environment. Effects incorporate land transformations, rapid decrease in the population of specie which mostly results to extinction and immense changes in the patterns of weather, water cycle, nutrient accumulation and chemical introduction. In the long run, these direct effects of human activities consequently are the ones that cause various changes in the global climate, patterns of migration, reproduction and habitat and an overall irreversible loss form the environment and consequently a loss to the humankind. On the whole, human activities have brought changes not only to the other living organism in the planet but also to the planet itself. Accordingly, human activities have caused the environment to weaken inducing a less stable planet that could less support existence of life. The world is rapidly loosing its wealth and richness. Due to the acts of man, not only he and the other forms of life are at risk but also the whole world. Man’s activities constitute much of the factors that contribute to this hasty decline. As man continues to increase its population and greedy concept of living, the diversity of life is steadily going to a point of fall. As this happens, lakes and rivers are transformed to highways and canals, forests will soon be out of trees and animals and will be turned to deserts. Natural diversity will be continuously raped and will make way for the rise of towering buildings, winding roads, infrastructures, houses, villages, factories, mines, schools, shopping malls and gardens. Existence of the technological advancements will soon interfere with the usual patterns of the weather and global climate as well as the lives of different species. In turn, they will be extinct and will never be enjoyed again by the coming generations. Eventually, the works of man today will weaken and continuously exploit the wealth of planet until comes to a point where it can no longer hold for the existence of man and his doings. References Center for Biodiversity and Conservation. (2007). Biodiversity in Crisis?. Retrieved December 6, 2007, from http://cbc.amnh. org/crisis/crisis. html. Simberloff, Daniel. (2007). Habitat Change, Population Growth, and the Biodiversity Crisis: Getting Ahead of the Extinction Curve. Retrieved, December 5, 2007, from http://www. angelo. edu/events/university_symposium/93_Simberloff. html. Shah, Anup. (2007) Biodiversity. Retrieved, December 5, 2007, from http://www. globalissues. org/EnvIssues/Biodiversity. asp. The Fruitarian Foundation. (2000). The Biodiversity Crisis. Retrieved December 5, 2007, from http://www. fruitarian. com/ab/TheBiodiversityCrisis. htm.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Albert Camus the Plague Essay Example for Free
Albert Camus’ the Plague Essay ? Can God possibly exist in a world full of madness and injustice? Albert Camus and Samuel Beckett address these questions in The Plague and Waiting for Godot. Though their thinking follows the ideals of existentialism, their conclusions are different. Camus did not believe in God, nor did he agree with the vast majority of the historical beliefs of the Christian religion. His stance on Christianity is summed up most simply by his remark that â€Å"in its essence, Christianity (and this is its paradoxical greatness) is a doctrine of injustice. It is founded on the sacrifice of the innocent and the acceptance of this sacrifice†(Bree 49). Camus felt that Jesus Christ was an innocent man who was unjustly killed. This does conflicts with all of Camus’ values. However, Camus did not believe that Jesus was the son of God. Camus’ inability to accept Christian theology is voiced in The Plague by Riex and juxtaposed against the beliefs preached by Father Paneloux (Rhein 42). Paneloux’s attitude toward the plague contrasts sharply with Rieux’s. In his first sermon, he preaches that the plague is divine in origin and punitive in its purpose. He attempts to put aside his desires for a rational explanation and simply accepts God’s will. In this way he is not revolting and therefore falls victim to the plague. Father Paneloux’s belief that there are no innocent victims is shaken as he watches a young boy die of the plague. Camus purposefully describes a long, painful death to achieve the greatest effect on Paneloux: â€Å"When the spasms had passed, utterly exhausted, tensing his thin legs and arms, on which, within forty-eight hours, the flesh had wasted to the bone, the child lay flat, in a grotesque parody of crucifixion†(215). Paneloux cannot deny that the child was an innocent victim and is forced to rethink his ideas. During his second sermon, a change is seen in Father Paneloux. He now uses the pronoun â€Å"we†instead of â€Å"you,†and he has adopted a new policy in which he tells people to believe â€Å"all or nothing†(224). Father Paneloux, as a Christian, is faced with a decision: either he accepts that God is the ultimate ruler and brings goodness out of the evil that afflicts men, or he sides with Rieux and denies God. The conclusion formed by Camus is that because this is a world in which innocent people are tortured, there is no God. Samuel Beckett does not necessarily deny the existence of God in Waiting for Godot. If God does exist, then He contributes to the chaos by remaining silent. The French philosopher Blaise Pascal noted the arbitrariness of life and that the universe works based on percentages. He advocated using such arbitrariness to one’s advantage, including believing in God. If He does not exist, nobody would care in the end, but if He does, a believer is on the safe side all along, so one cannot lose. In this play, either God does not exist, or He does not care. Whichever is the case, chance and arbitrariness determine human life in the absence of a divine power. This ties in with the two tramps’ chances for salvation. As one critic observes, â€Å"For just as man cannot live by bread alone, he now realizes that he cannot live by mere thinking or hanging on in vain to a thread of salvation which does not seem to exist†(Lumley 203). This explains Vladimir and Estragon’s contemplation of suicide after Godot remains absent for yet another day. One could also argue, in the absurd sense, that each man has a fifty-fifty chance of salvation. One of the two prisoners who were crucified with Jesus was given salvation. This element of chance for salvation can also be extended to Pozzo and Lucky in Waiting for Godot. When they come across the two tramps, Pozzo is on his way to sell Lucky because he claims that Lucky has grown old and only hinders him. In this way Pozzo is trying to draw that fifty-fifty chance of salvation for himself. One of the ways in which Lucky hinders him is that Lucky could be the one to be redeemed, leaving Pozzo to be damned. Even Lucky’s speech is concerned with salvation: Given the existence†¦ of a personal God†¦ outside time without who from the heights of divine apathia divide athambia divide apaia loves us dearly with some exceptions for reasons unknown†¦ and suffers†¦ with those who for reasons unknown are plunged in torment. (28) After removing all of Lucky’s nonsensical meanderings, the gist of his speech is that God does not communicate with humans and condemns them for unknown reasons. His silence causes the real hopelessness, and this is what makes Waiting for Godot a tragedy Albert Camus’ the Plague. (2018, Nov 08).
Sunday, July 28, 2019
BU6602 ENT Assignment 1 April 2014 Task 1 Essay
BU6602 ENT Assignment 1 April 2014 Task 1 - Essay Example The small businesses have gained popularity in this modern day context due to their effective utilisation of operational modes that often acted as saviours of economies at the time of economic turmoil. However, it can be affirmed that entrepreneurs are linked with a small business, as they are involved in the tasks of promoting innovation and preparing themselves for addressing along with mitigating underlying risks that might occur while performing varied operational functions (Pearson Education, Inc., 2014). Considering the fact that the small business enterprises often possess limited resources, the entrepreneurs have to be much more efficient in organising and developing the available resources so that the maximum amount of benefits can be reaped. Moreover, the entrepreneurs must possess the characteristics of making effective decisions, having high energy level, identifying the risks and adopting measures to mitigate such risks among others in order to fulfil the aforesaid objective (Pearson Education, Inc., 2014). It has been apparently observed that the entrepreneurs or the owners who possess effective leadership qualities and displays innovative skills are successful in developing their respective small businesses (Stokes & Wilson, 2010). With this concern, the essay tends to critically discuss the provided statement â€Å"sometimes the manager of the small business does not have the capacity to operate it successfully. The owner lacks the leadership ability and knowledge necessary to make the business work†(Scarborough, 2012). Various significant aspects like an entrepreneurs’ role in developing a small business and the necessary skills that require by the managers or the owners would also be taken into concern while discussing the aforesaid statement. As discussed by Mazzarol (2004), strategic management is a term, which is broadly connected with large, medium as well as small-sized businesses that are normally
Gross Domestic Production Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Gross Domestic Production - Essay Example From the above equation employee compensation, operating surplus and mixed income added together are referred to as factor income. It is therefore evident that this method involves adding up income earned by factors of production. This is another method used in calculating GDP and the method involves adding up the unit rise in prices of products in the production stages. Therefore this method involves adding up contributions of the factors of production that add value to a product. Value is added either through services rendered and goods used to process final products. However calculation of GDP using the above three methods should be the same, the expenditure method is commonly used in many countries to calculate GDP due to the availability of data, the following is an analysis of changes in GDP due to increase in production and change in price. The following information on the production of a good is provided, Lenovo produces 10,000 units of a product with a market value of 2,000 each in 2009 December; however no units are sold until spring of 2010. The following are the requirements: For this reason therefore the Lenovo products produced and not sold in this year will increase the level of investment in terms of an increase in inventory, the following is a summary of the calculations: Given that 10,000 units were produced and the market price of these products is 2,000 then it is possible to determine the GDP level increase as a result of this production, the value of these products is determined by multiplying the quantity produced and the prevailing market price, and the following formula is used: Value of products = quantity X price (Obstfeld (1997)) Substituting the values as follows: 10,000 X 2,000 = 20,000,000 dollars From the above calculation therefore it is evident that the GDP level in 2009 will increase by 20,000,000 dollars, this increase will be as a result of the increase in investment in the year 2009. b) GDP increase in 2010: The GDP level will be affected in 2010; there will be an increase in consumption in this year
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Organized Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Organized Crime - Essay Example oods and services, including but not limited to gambling, prostitution, loan-sharking, narcotics, labor racketeering and other activities of the members of the organization’ (Mallory, 2006). There have been many famous gangsters who have run their crime syndicate with huge success and instilled fear and hatred in the mindset of the general public. But Al Capone of Chicago and Pablo Escobar of Columbia have been notorious for their violence ridden mass murders, rapid increase in their illegal activities and successful evasion of the law and legal network. Though both these criminals existed at different places and time, their modus operandi was quite similar and both were never actually tried for any of the cold blooded murders that they had committed through their henchmen. Despite the open knowledge of their organized crime by the state agencies, the law was always one step behind mainly because of their linkages and affiliations within the powerful political and legal arena which both of them deliberately cultivated. Al Capone was born on 1899 in Brooklyn and grew up in a neighborhood which was renowned for its unlawful activities. From the early age, he was involved into petty crimes and was member of two ‘kid gangs’, the Brooklyn Rippers and Forty Thieves Juniors (Al Capone,internet). He started on to his career in organized crime when he was employed as bouncer and bartender in Harvard Inn, run by the then notorious gangster Frankie Yale. After getting indicted in a murder case where he had killed two men in New York, he was released because of lack of evidence; he relocated to Chicago, along with his family and started working for John Torrio, another notorious gangster who was involved in bootlegging business. Capone gained the trust of his mentor and later became his partner. After Torrio moved from Chicago, Capone became the head of the ‘outfit’ and expanded and controlled the syndicate which was operating various gambling joints, brothels,
Friday, July 26, 2019
Marketing management- next Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Marketing management- next - Article Example It is a British retailer marketing clothing, footwear, accessories and home products. In India the growth of retail business is at its budding stage. Organized retail business has a grasp of nearly 7% in Indian Market and there is umpteen opportunity for its development. Off late big brands and fashion houses are aiming towards the Indian market. Due to the immense cross culture factor or globalization, trends from across the globe are getting accepted by far and large. Even in India, people are getting influenced by various other cultures and the Indian crowd is happily embracing it. Apparently growth of retail business in Indian market is at its best. Under such circumstances, it would be the accurate time for Next to hit the Indian market. Even though it has three branches in India, it should start eyeing other locations in India. Not many people are aware of Next plc, so Next should keep in mind of having phenomenal launch in India. Lot of retail chains are getting established in India. Indian players like Future Group, RPG Group, reliance Retail, and global players like Wal-Mart, Metro etc are having their presence in India. Still the organized retail sector in India is not very big. Hence Next can enter into Indian market and it has lot of potential to grow with its wide product range. I have considered area of study to be clothing. There is lot of competition in apparel industry because people have started becoming more brand conscious in clothing segment. Hence it is very important to position yourself well in such an industry. B - PLC Stage PLC (Product Life Cycle) is the course of product’s sales and profits over its lifetime. It involves five distinct stages. Product Development Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Clothing is a necessity for every human being. In a country like India the scope for branded product (in clothing) is very high. India is a country which is fast developing and the purchasing power of people in India is increasing. So the share of wallet for branded apparels is surely increasing. That is the reason why all big names in the clothing segment exist in India. But the entry of these companies has happened recently and they have still not captured the market. Next in India is at introduction stage. As it has entered the Indian market recently and at the moment has only three stores in India. As far as Boston’s Matrix is concerned â€Å"next†has low market share but the market they are in has high growth. So â€Å"next†is in the question mark quadrant. C - Target Market India is one of the emerging markets and it is becoming more and more important buyer in our global economy. India has a nice percentage of world total population so if not right now, in few years, India will be one of the most important buyers in the world ( Hence it is very important to choose the right segment in Indian market to succeed. â€Å"Next†has three stores in India (Two store s at Delhi/Gurgaon and one store at Mumbai). This clearly shows that the segment they have targeted is the urban/metro segment. The purchasing power of people in these area is comparatively more than those who stay in small cities and villages. â€Å"Next†has also targeted the middle class and upper middle class. When you sell products which are luxurious item and not necessarily necessities, then an organization usually target middle class and
Thursday, July 25, 2019
International human rights law and how the health care has improved in Essay
International human rights law and how the health care has improved in 3 counties - Essay Example The organization also went further to shed more light on how these rights were connected with health. Many countries adopted this and evidence shows that progress have been made as countries have been striving to integrate these into their health systems since 2002 (World Health Organization, 2002). This paper examines the progress that has been made by three countries: Kenya, Mexico and the US. In Mexico, for instance, a lot have improved, especially in the field of mental health. For a long time, people with mental health problems would be dumped into institutions and be subjected to inhumane treatment without being allowed back into the community. International law on human rights recognizes that people have a right to treatment in least restrictive environment and within their communities. It is because of this that Mexico health care system has been reformed to support community integration of mentally disabled persons. Both state and national health budgetary allocation have been increased since 2002, and this has helped significant enforcement of community integration of the mentally disabled. Patient dumping has since stopped through introduction of an individualized outplacement plan for persons into the community. Similarly, conditions within the institutions were also improved due to the provision of such basic needs as food, clothes, and bedding. Besides, essential medication, dental care, hygiene, and safety were also adopted to help improve health of the institutionalized psychiatric cases. Through the recognition of the international laws that relate human rights to health and poverty reduction (issue no 5), Kenya has progressed tremendously in the area of reproductive health. The Kenyan government has since 2002, adopted laws that ensure the integration of family planning services into the healthcare system as a means of reducing
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Marketing Research and Segmentation - Macquarie University Hospital, Paper
Marketing and Segmentation - Macquarie University Hospital, New South Wales - Research Paper Example The marketing techniques chosen in each case depend on many factors, such as the level of the industry competition and the resources available. Current paper focuses on the potential use of marketing research and segmentation for the improvement of performance of a specific organization: the Macquarie University Hospital, one of the most important hospitals in New South Wales, Australia. An appropriately customized lifestyle analysis has been used for helping the organization to proceed to market segmentation. In this way, the relationship between the organization and its customers would be improved leading the organization to a long – term growth. 2. Macquarie University Hospital – Marketing research and segmentation 2.1 Brief description of the hospital The Macquarie University Hospital is located in ‘the North Ryde campus of Macquarie University, New South Wales’ (Macquarie University Hospital, 2012). ... The use of advanced technology in medical treatment is considered as another advantage of the Hospital towards its rivals. 2.2 Market research – psychographic & lifestyle analysis 2.2.1 Activities: work habits The percentage of people who are active in terms of employment in New South Wales has been increased in 2009/2010 reaching the 3.5 million. This is an important increase if having in mind the fact that for the period 2001/2002 the employed people in NSW were just 3.1 million (Australian Bureau of Statistics, NSW State and Regional Indicators, Dec 2010, 2011). This means that the buying power of people in the specific region is increased, compared to the past. Thus, the potentials of the local population to seek for medical assistance of high quality are high. On the other hand, a differentiation seems to exist in NSW between men and women in regard to their status of employment. Indeed, it has been proved that women in NSW are more likely to work part-time compared to me n (Australian Bureau of Statistics, NSW State and Regional Indicators, Dec 2010, 2011). As indicated in the Graph 1 (Appendix), a percentage of about 50% of employed women in NSW are part-time workers. In general, in NSW employed men are more than employed women. More specifically, the percentage of employed male in NSW for 2010 was estimated at 70.6% while for women the above percentage was just 56.4% (Australian Bureau of Statistics, NSW State and Regional Indicators, Dec 2010, 2011). 2.2.2 Psychological attributes According to a report published by the Australian Government in 2012, high cultural diversity is one of the key characteristics of Australia. It seems
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Intervention plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Intervention plan - Research Paper Example This paper will provide a brief explanation of dyslexia and up to date brain-based research that supports explicit instructional suggestions in Intervention plan for John. What is Dyslexia? Dyslexia is an inborn disease that comes with sudden complexity in learning to interpret and pronounce words in relation to one's verbal aptitude, inspiration, and learning opportunities (Aylward et al., 2003). For John, the "unexpected difficulties" referred to his severe inability to decode unknown words, puzzling spelling errors, and slow reading rate. These were all apparent in the results from an informal reading and spelling inventory. These results indicated that he read at a first grade level. In contrast, he comprehended material read to him at a fifth grade level. This is common in students with dyslexia. They frequently are on grade-level in listening comprehension because grapho-phonological processing is not required. To explain this decoding weakness, researchers (Aaron, 2005; Shaywi tz, 2003; Shaywitz & Shaywitz, 2005) have converged on the phonological model. More specifically, for students with dyslexia, recognising the phonemes in a spoken word, understanding the relationship phonemes have with letters, and blending (reading) or segmenting (spelling) them are unusually difficult processes. For example, as a beginning fourth grader John struggled to read and spell words such as shed (sep), stack (stuk), and slug (sog). Common Misconceptions The convergence on the phonological model contradicts several commonly held myths about dyslexia. For example, the most common misconception is that all students with dyslexia reverse letters. Dyslexia is not a visual disorder; in fact, students with dyslexia are often gifted in the area of visual arts (Davis & Braun, 2007). As young children begin to experiment with letters and sounds, many of them reverse letters. Therefore, letter reversal is not a reliable indicator. Another common misconception is that dyslexia is lin ked to low intelligence. A student must have an unexpected difficulty in learning to read and spell. If a student has a low IQ, the difficulty is expected. Students like John have verbal IQs within the normal range. Therefore, these students have the cognitive ability to read and spell on grade level. There are two other common misconceptions about dyslexia. One is that it is curable. Although there are effective instructional techniques and programmes that make the symptoms less severe (discussed later), dyslexia is not curable. Even as an adult John will struggle with fluent reading because of the extended time required for him to recognise unknown words. Spelling will also continue to be difficult. The other myth is that dyslexia affects males more often than females. As Shaywitz (2004) explains, this has more to do with the over-identification of males in all special education areas. In her studies, she found that the percentage of boys and girls with dyslexia is about even (Sha ywitz, 2003). Reliable Indicators So, once a student enters school, what are reliable indicators? Dyslexia is developmental; therefore, the indicators change over time. Early on it is more difficult to recognise a student with dyslexia, but it becomes more obvious as they progress in school. Early On Even though it is important, prominent researchers (Muter, 2003; Shaywitz, 2003) agree that identifying children with
Hills Like White Elephants Essay Essay Example for Free
Hills Like White Elephants Essay Essay 1. I believe â€Å"the American and the girl with him†were talking about having an abortion, and how it would change their relationship if they were to have a baby. He was saying that it is the only thing â€Å"bothering†them and making them â€Å"unhappy.†The girl appears undecided, and scared of losing the man. 2. Nothing really happens, except a rehashing of their relationship, which seems to consist of looking â€Å"at things and try[ing] new drinks.†3. Their relationship is not about communication, but about the girl following everything the man says because she doesn’t care about herself. She just wants him to love her. He tries to manipulate the girl to agree to the abortion, saying that things between them will not have to change, and that â€Å"things will be like they were,†when she felt he loved her.  He keeps speaking about â€Å"letting the air in,†which makes me think that he wants there to be â€Å"air†in the relationship, and that the non-operation would make himâ€â€not them happy again. He feels stifled, and this pressure is reflected in the hot day. The relationship is â€Å"airy†and superficial, without direct communication, because the man does not truly care about her and is concerned only with his interests, and the girl doesn’t care about herself, so she decides to want to do what he thinks is best. 4. The conflict of the story is resolved when the girl decides to have the abortion. The climax is when Hemmingway uses the adjective â€Å"reasonably,†when describing the people waiting for the train. It is a commentary that the man was thinking â€Å"reasonably,†but not from love, even though he says he is. He made his decision out of reason, and she out of emotion. 5. The hills are described as very fertile and the opposite landscape as very barren, and it seems to represent the barrenness of their relationship, as well as the discussion about abortion. 6. I would like to know why the girl said, â€Å"’I’ll scream.’â€
Monday, July 22, 2019
Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald Essay Example for Free
Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald Essay Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald is one of the best American novels owing to its thematic strength. There are many social themes in the story including Dream, vision, honesty, time, wealth, superficiality and shallowness, societal expectation, disloyalty, immorality and selfishness. The surface study shows that its about love relation between Gatsby and Daisy. But the story has much broader theme rather than big romantic scope. The most dominating theme of the story is that of American Dream or rather Perverted American Dream†. It is very symbolic story of Roaring Age of 1920s America, particularly the story of shattering of American Dream in that era of economic prosperity and material abundance. The Great Gatsby is the biggest example of skilled narrative art as it is based on the principle of double vision. Everything in the novel is seen in two ways: on the one hand it looks a romantic love story of Gatsby and Daisy, and on the other hand it is about perverted form of American Dream. Scott Fitzgerald is successful in writing a fiction which carries two parallel stories at the same time. The writer himself once stated,†The test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time , and still retain the ability to function. The story offers the reader to form quality of double vision to see everything in two ways.The surface study of the novel shows that its about love relation between Daisy and Gatsby, but if we probe into the theme, its about corruption of American dream and a failure to achieve ideals.            The writer attempted to make readers see through his eyes. The reader is made to believe in the possibilities of variety of opposed ideas. Thats why it is also called â€Å"an allegorical novel†. The reader forms different opinion about the novel when he starts reading, but he finds everything quite different when he reaches the end. The story shows that anyone in America can and can not achieve success to the best despite his level best efforts and hard work. The reader is trapped in enigma by thinking whether Gatsby would get Daisy or not. This is proved when Daisy rejects Gatsby and later accepts him and the reader is able to believe in both alternates. Gatsby himself is the most real and the most unreal elite described in the story. The writer presents this principle of double vision more artistically by introducing character of Nick who tells us what he sees and gathers information about what he does not see himself. Everything in this novel is seen in two ways: on the one hand as glamorous , romantic and exciting ,and on the other hand as crude, corrupt and even disgusting. This double vision applies to people, places and incidents of the novel. Gatsby, the protagonist of the story, struggles hard to achieve the desired American dream, but is also obsessed with love of Daisy, his beloved. The most relevant scene to this double vision is the reunion between Gatsby and Daisy after long period of five years. Gatsby spends most of his time in earning wealth so that he would impress Daisy and get her love. Daisy, on the other hand, is highly indifferent to Gatsby and her marriage with Tom shows it clearly. Even their reunion has different effects on both of them. It seems as if Gatsby were having only one thing in mind: achieving American dream. But later we assess that he is only obsessed with Daisys love. The characters mind changes every minute and this change also affect the reader and help them expect any possibility. Some critic writes about Great Gatsby: Fitzgerald called The Great Gatsby a novel of selected incident, modeled after Flauberts Madame Bovary.†What I cut out of it both physically and emotionally would make another novel, he said. Fitzgeralds stylistic method is to let a part stand for the whole. In Chapters I to III, for example, he lets three parties stand for the whole summer and for the contrasting values of three different worlds. He also lets small snatches of dialog represent what is happening at each party. The technique is cinematic. The camera zooms in, gives us a snatch of conversation, and then cuts to another group of people. Nick serves almost as a recording device, jotting down what he hears. Fitzgeralds ear for dialog, especially for the colloquial phrases of the period, is excellent.            The reunion scene is the peak of dramatic point of the novel. The readers have been prepared to reach this point. The image of Daisys willingness is followed by an image of Gatsby seeing the greenish bay across from Daisy dock. colorful parties are followed by isolation in private life. The reader can’t realize at once what the characters already know. The reader reaching this scene takes interest to see whether Gatsby and Daisy renew their lost love. The reader is also interested in the response of Nick on whose intellectual prowess they depend on a lot. The clock scene also offers confrontation of ideas for the readers. The clock is the symbol of past which Gatsby ever yearns to repeat so that he could again get love of Daisy. The breaking of clock indicates how awkward past moment looks when brought into the present. The facts that the clock does not work indicates flawed dream of Gatsby to win over Daisy. It is true that Gatsby can’t repeat his past and he cant get best out of American dream and is rather disillusioned. The novel shows abstract philosophy that an idealist reluctant to compromise can and cant survive in this material oriented world. The principle of double vision is made more effective by using Nick as a narrator. The surface level study of the novel shows Gatsby’s thorough indulgence in love of Daisy. Nick is an ideal narrator in the story and is mouth piece of Fitzgerald. His physical proximity to the main characters proves that he is ideal narrator as he knows details of the story from many angels and observes everything quite clearly. It was rather impossible to keep two parallel stories in a single novel which had irreconcilable contradictions. The story of love has nothing to do with American Dream but the writer artistically puts them on right place. From the very beginning we find Gatsby prepared to get what Best America has to offer and he has staunch belief in the face that he will win over Daisys love, the most loving woman he has ever seen. He can only win her if he measure up to the standards of old wealthy class. Nick holds the view that Gatsbys dream was futile from the very start as he wont be accepted by prejudiced old wealthy class and Daisy belonging to latter can never leave it resulting disillusionment for Gatsby. Here novel shows the fact that American dream of equality for all was a false promise. The story can be interpreted as juxtaposition of two opposed ideas. The ideals are shattered when they are confronted with reality. The ideals of American dream are shattered when Gatsby gets love of Daisy, when he kisses her, and when he holds her in his arms. The ideal world, in Gatsbys case, shatters in the face of the real one. The intricate weaving of the various stories within The Great Gatsby is accomplished through a complex symbolic substructure of the narrative. The green light, godly eye of Eckleburg,brood on over the solemn dumping ground which shows America as wasteland due to materialistic society and many other symbols make it easier for the writer to intricate stories containing opposing ideas. He also uses metaphors through which he hints at the standards of morality and immorality through out the novel. Daisy cant change her luxurious living style and cant accept the new wealthy class. Jordan Baker boasts of her careless driving. The proper utilization of dual symbolism and ambivalent expressions is truly profound and subtle art that Fitzgerald has mastered in this novel. There is no denying the fact that this beautiful novel offers the readers to form in them the habit to see things from more than one angle. The writer holds the opinion that seeing thing from one way may be faulty and it can be entirely different in reality. Thus it will be right to say that everything in the novel has got double meaning and the writer is successful in using principle of double vision in it.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Murder Manslaughter And Infanticide Philosophy Essay
Murder Manslaughter And Infanticide Philosophy Essay Murder is the crime of intentionally causing the death of another human being, without lawful excuse. The definition of murder was given in the case of Chris Rwakasisi, Elias Wanyama v Uganda (1991) UGSC 2. The appellants where indicted for 16 counts of murder and kidnapping with intent to murder. The justices of the supreme court defined murder thus à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.It consists of the unlawful act or omission of one person, which causes the death of another person with malice aforethought. The elements of the offence are thus (1) the unlawful act or omission; (2) the death being caused as a result of the act or omission; and (3) malice aforethought, that is the intent to cause death or knowledge that the act or omission would, probably cause death (at least serious bodily harm). When an illegal death was not caused intentionally, but was caused by recklessness or negligence (or there is some defense, such as diminished capacity), the crime committed is manslaughter. The first element in murder is causing death. It is impossible to give a precise definition of this, but some legal principles have been developed to help. The penal code act section 196 states that A person is deemed to have caused the death of another person although his or her act is not the immediate or sole cause of death in any of the following cases- (a) If he or she inflicts bodily injury on another person in consequence of which that person undergoes surgical or medical treatment which causes death. In this case it is immaterial whether the treatment was proper or mistaken, if it was employed in good faith and with common knowledge and skill; but the person inflicting the injury is not deemed to have caused the death if the treatment which was its immediate cause was not employed in good faith or was so employed without common knowledge or skill; b) if he or she inflicts a bodily injury on another which would not have caused death if the injured person had submitted to proper surgical or medical treatment or had observed proper precautions as to his or her mode of living; c) if by actual or threatened violence he or she causes such other person to perform an act which causes the death of such person, such act being a means of avoiding such violence which in the circumstances would appear natural to the person whose death is so caused; d) if by any act or omission he or she hastened the death of a person suffering under any disease or injury which apart from such act or omission would have caused death; e) if his or her act or omission would not have caused death unless it had been accompanied by an act or omission of the person killed or of other persons. Many common law jurisdictions abide by the year and a day rule, which provides that one is to be held responsible for a persons death only if they die within a year and a day of the act. Thus, if you seriously injured someone, and they died from their injuries within a year and a day, you would be guilty of murder; but you would not be guilty if they died from their injuries after a year and a day had passed. Malice aforethought is the second ingredient when determining murder. Originally malice aforethought carried its everyday meaning-a deliberate and premeditated killing of another motivated by ill will. It is the intent and knowledge of committing an unlawful act. section 191 of the Penal code Uganda defines malice aforethought as an intention to cause the death of any person, whether such person is the person actually killed or not; or knowledge that the act or omission causing death will probably cause the death of some person, whether such person is the person actually killed or not, although such knowledge is accompanied by indifference whether death is caused or not, or by a wish that it may not be caused Murder necessarily required that an appreciable time pass between the formation and execution of the intent to kill. The courts broadened the scope of murder by eliminating the requirement of actual premeditation and deliberation as well as true malice. All that was required for malice aforethought to exist is that the perpetrator act with one of the four states of mind that constitutes malice. It is not murder to kill someone with lawful excuse; lawful excuses include killing enemy combatants in time of war (but not after they surrendered), killing a person who poses an immediate threat to the lives of ones self or others (i.e., in self-defense), and executing a person in accordance with a sentence of death (in those jurisdictions which use capital punishment). Sometimes extreme provocation or duress can justify killing another as well. Under English law, it is murder to kill another human being for food, even if without doing so one would die of starvation. This originated in a case of R v Dudley and Stephens (1884) 14 QB shipwrecked sailors cast adrift off the coast of South Africa in the 1920s; two of the sailors conspired to kill the other sailor, and having killed him ate his flesh to survive. Most countries allow conditions that affect the balance of the mind to be regarded as mitigating circumstances against murder. This means that a person may be found guilty of manslaughter on the basis of diminished responsibility rather than murder, if it can be proved that they were suffering from a condition that affected their judgment at the time. Depression, Post-traumatic stress disorder and medication side-effects are examples of conditions that may be taken into account when assessing responsibility. Manslaughter is a legal term for the killing of a human being, in a manner considered by law as less culpable than murder. The law generally differentiates between levels of criminal culpability based on the mens rea, or state of mind. This is particularly true within the law of homicide, where murder requires either the intent to kill a state of mind called malice, or malice aforethought or the knowledge that ones actions are likely to result in death; manslaughter, on the other hand, requires a lack of any prior intention to kill or create a deadly situation. Manslaughter is usually broken down into two distinct categories: voluntary manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter. Voluntary manslaughter occurs either when the defendant kills with malice aforethought (intention to kill or cause serious harm), but there are mitigating circumstances which reduce culpability, or when the defendant kills only with an intent to cause serious bodily harm. This can be seen in the case of Francis Masaba v Uganda 1989 UGSC 1. The appellant was a bar tender and was involved in a fight with the deceased after a night of drinking. The appellant is said to have stab the deceased three times in the chest. The learned justices upheld the verdict of manslaughter Voluntary manslaughter in some jurisdictions is a lesser included offense of murder. The Penal code act 1950 sets out three partial defences that reduce murder to voluntary manslaughter; diminished responsibility, provocation and suicide pact. Diminished responsibility. This covers diminished mental responsibility for a crime falling short of the requirements of the complete defence of Insanity. Under Section 194 Penal code Act 19570 there are three requirements for the defendant to raise the defence of diminished responsibility: The defendant suffered from an abnormality of mind at the time of the killing. An abnormality of mind is a state of mind so different from that of ordinary human beings that the reasonable man would term it abnormal. The abnormality was caused by one of the causes specified by the Act: a condition of arrested or retarded development of mind, any inherent cause or a disease or injury. The abnormality substantially impaired the defendants mental responsibility for the killing. Substantial means the lack of control must simply be more than trivial. Under s194 (2) of the Act it is for the defendant to prove he suffered from such a condition on the balance of probabilities. Provocation. Provocation was originally a common law defense to murder, but it was reformed by s3 Homicide Act 1957. There are two limbs to the defence, first the defendant must have actually been provoked, and second the provocation must be such as would have made the reasonable man act as the defendant did. Provocation can come from someone other than the victim and be aimed at someone other than the accused. Further the defense is not defeated by the fact that the defendant induced the provocation. Provocation in fact: It is a question of fact for the judge whether the defendant was in fact provoked. The loss of control must be sudden and temporary; however it can be the result of slow burn with a relatively minor final straw. This can be evidenced the case of John Bisset Stenhouse v Uganda 1972 UGCA 1. In this case the appellant was a school teacher who was attacked by riotous students. The teacher and his wife were attacked by stones. The teacher fired two shoots from his gun killing two students. The learned judges held that the teacher was under provocation and acted in self defence. The reasonable man test: The provocation must be enough to make a reasonable man do as the defendant did. The reasonable man has the same sex and age as the defendant and such characteristics as affect the gravity of the provocation to the defendant, but characteristics irrelevant to the provocation such as unrelated mental disorders are not given to the reasonable man. Finally, the reasonable man always has reasonable powers of self control and is never intoxicated. Suicide pacts. Penal Code 1950 introduced the defence of suicide pact. The intention was to show some compassion for those who had been involved in a suicide pact but failed to die. A suicide pact is a common agreement between two or more persons having for its object the death of all of them, whether or not each is to take his own life. The accused must have had a settled intention of dying in pursuance of the pact to avoid him entering into a supposed pact with the real intention of committing murder. This is in section 195 of the penal code Act It shall be manslaughter and shall not be murder for a person acting in pursuance of a suicide pact between him or her and another to kill the other or be a party to the other killing himself or herself or being killed by a third person Involuntary manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being without malice aforethought. It is distinguished from voluntary manslaughter by the absence of intention. It is normally divided into two categories; constructive manslaughter and criminally negligent manslaughter. Constructive manslaughter is also referred to as unlawful act manslaughter. It is based on the doctrine of constructive malice, whereby the malicious intent inherent in the commission of a crime is considered to apply to the consequences of that crime. It occurs when someone kills, without intent, in the course of committing an unlawful act. The malice involved in the crime is transferred to the killing, resulting in a charge of manslaughter. For example, if a person throws a brick off a bridge into vehicular traffic below they could be found to intend or be reckless as to assault or criminal damage DPP v Newbury. There is no intent to kill, and a resulting death would not be considered murder, but would be considered involuntary manslaughter. The accuseds responsibility for causing death is constructed from the fault in committing what might have been a minor criminal act. Criminally negligent manslaughter occurs where death results from serious negligence, or, in some jurisdictions, serious recklessness. A high degree of negligence is required to warrant criminal liability. A related concept is that of willful blindness, which is where a defendant intentionally puts himself in a position where he will be unaware of facts which would render him liable. Infanticide. Another form of voluntary manslaughter is infanticide. This offense is in the Penal Code of Uganda Section 213. Generally, a conviction of infanticide will be made where the court is satisfied that a mother killed her newborn child while the balance of her mind was disturbed as a result of childbirth; for instance, in cases of post-natal depression. It is a form of manslaughter, and carries the same range of sentences as a manslaughter conviction. While infanticide is a separate offense from murder, and not a reductive defense to murder, in practice it works in much the same way as a reductive defense. Such was in the case of Miriam Muthoni Kariuki v Republic (2008) KLR Court of Appeal. The appellant was convicted of murdering her 1year son by strangulation by the high court. On appeal the Justices of the Court of Appeal found her to have been with a disturbed at the time of the act and consequently substituted the conviction of murder with infanticide.
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