Thursday, October 31, 2019
Law in Practice Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Law in Practice - Case Study Example As you have been convicted of an offence under this section, your driving license will be endorsed with minimum 3 points as per code CD 30. Once the points reach 12, you will be banned from driving for a specified period of time.1 However disqualification is discretionary. The trend now is looking at it as a poor driving as held in R v.Simmons.2 The circumstances under which you ran into traffic lights are quite understandable in that you had been under great mental stress trying to digest the prospect of losing your long held job for no fault of yours. This you confided with your friend Maggie and the fact that you are a quite a responsible person is proved by your conduct of informing your husband on phone that you would late. The breathalyzer test also revealed that there was no abnormal drinking on your part. You stopped by the accident spot without speeding up and that mitigates your offence. More over Roger Cooke who was hit by your car was reported to have not worn his seat be lt and been carrying an expired insurance policy. Had he been careful, accident could have been averted and the damage to the body and the vehicle could have been minimized With these things weighing in your favour, you can appeal against your conviction and have your points further reduced. As for, the personal injury claim from the Cooke, you have to inform your insurers about the accident and face the claim suitably considering the fact the Cooke also contributed to the damage by not wearing seat belt and by not renewing his insurance policy in time. Maggie, who was in the car with you at the time of accident, could testify as to the mental condition you were in because of the impending redundancy threat in your job. All these defences would mitigate the severity of the punishment and also the quantum of the personal injury claim you might expect from Cooke. As he has suffered whiplash injury after effects of which can arise even after many years, the claim is likely to be substa ntial. As he was not in his seat belt, he was thrown out of the car and hence his personal injury claim can be resisted. Much depends on the degree of fault on your side and also on his side as contributory factor. But as you have been convicted under section 3, you can not altogether avoid payment of personal injury claim from Cooke which any way your insurers are going to handle provided your insurance against third party risks was in force at the time of accident. The fact Cooke did not have insurance at the time of accident would be called into question only if he were to meet a personal injury claim from you which is however not the case. You should not ignore the claim when received. You should respond quickly within 14 days of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Assignment 11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Assignment 11 - Essay Example The article gives the reader an opportunity to appreciate the role and impact of action research within the educational setting. In essence, the author captures the processes involved in action research in relation to maximizing the benefits. In addition, this is a research process that has the capacity to revitalize the entire learning process in most academic spheres. In addition to adding value to the learning process, action research creates critical grounds to reflect and evaluate teaching approaches (Arnold, 2008). It is therefore a necessary tool that can be used to support various initiatives by individual teachers, teaching communities, and organizations. Essentially, one cannot ignore the nature of data collection procedures used in action research. The author sheds light on the necessary aspects that one should consider when conducting action research (Arnold, 2008). It is an invaluable tool that offers a range of opportunities for the learners and the teachers. Essentially, when one is capable of conducting a study within their field makes it possible to address issues that are facing a system. The qualitative techniques in use when conducting action research set the stage for solving problems and enhancing practice. The reader further gets the details of how action research can enable the researcher to interpret as well as formulate acceptable solutions and practical steps towards local problems. One of the benefits that come with such an approach includes the ability to seek viable and realistic explanations to some of the general problems facing an education system. Some of the realities that the researcher faces on a day to day basis are grounds for gathering factual data. Due to this, the researcher does not have the luxury of following laid out procedures. Such a position calls for innovative data collection techniques that will focus on the importance of the data at hand (Arnold, 2008). The emphasis on the significance of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Fantasy Trading and Legality Thereof
Fantasy Trading and Legality Thereof ABSTRACT Regulators are at a crossroads. On one hand, innovation in businesses should not be stifled by excessive and outdated regulation. On the other hand, there is a real need to protect the users of these services from fraud, liability and unqualified service providers. This predicament is far more complex than it seems, since regulators are confronted here with an array of perplexing questions. Firstly, can these practices be qualified as innovations worth protecting and encouraging? Secondly, should the regulation of these practices serve the same ends as the existing laws for equivalent commercial services? Thirdly, how can regulation keep up with the evolving nature of these innovative practices? The answer to these questions has a single answer Very little is known about the socially effective ways of consistently regulating and promoting innovation. This article deals with the legality of fantasy trading using tests, various schools of thought and a comparative analysis, among othe r things. Additionally, the article also seeks to delve into the question of regulation per se. That is to say how much regulation, if any, is just and apt keeping in mind that the world is now brimming with innovation than ever before. In a global context, are fantasy trading and especially fantasy sports trading a harmless distraction or an unregulated business area poised to be a multibillion-dollar industry or both? Do fantasy trading and illegal betting fall in the same moral spectrum? These questions, among others, are pertinent to note because of this simple reason Demographics. Nearly 57 million people play fantasy sports in the U.S and Canada alone[1]. Backdrop: The issue of legality In early October 2015, the biggest scandal to hit the young fantasy sports industry was reported by the New York Times. An employee at Draftkings, a Boston-based daily fantasy website, released privileged fantasy draft information before the start of the third week of the National Football League (NFL) season. This employee won $350,000 that same week at FanDuel, a rival daily fantasy website hailing from New York.[2] FanDuel and DraftKings have become the two biggest entities in the fast-growing daily fantasy sports industry. DraftKings alone expected to pay out $1.2 billion in cash prizes in 2015.[3] Industry estimates anticipate that $2.6 billion in contest entry fees will be paid this year across the industry and that by 2020 partaking will rise up to $14.4 billion. In July, Fox Sports, one of the biggest TV Networks, led a $300 million funding round for Draft Kings.[4] Despite this, not all was hunky dory for the fantasy sports industry as the events of October had a tremendous impact on daily fantasy sports websites. Eric Schneiderman, Attorney General of New York demanded DraftKings and FanDuel to stop accepting New York-based players, as their games constituted illegal gambling under New York state law. Joining the bandwagon, Attorney Generals in five other states declared that the daily fantasy games are a form of gambling or illegal under state laws. The states include Texas, Illinois, Hawaii, Vermont and Mississippi. Offering a differing view, Rhode Islands attorney general declared the activity legal but said it needs to be regulated. On October 8th, a class action lawsuit was instituted in a New York federal court alleging that the two companies fraudulently induced players to pay money for contests without proper acknowledgement that company employees could play the contests with privileged information giving an impression of Insider Tradi ng[5]. Nevada has banned both sites from operating in-state until the companies, and their employees, receive state gambling licenses an action that would officially mark daily fantasy sports as gambling operations in the US[6]. This presents a challenge to legal scholars and policy makers as under federal sports betting laws in the U.S, sports gambling is deemed illegal in all states except four[7]. Even under the Interstate Wire Act of 1961, it is illegal for sports gambling information to be transferred across state lines unless both states have a legalized sports gambling regime. In Australia, there is a segregation between fantasy trading games which are permitted by Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the ones operating without any such license provided by ASIC. Such games are warned by the ASIC[8]. According to the ASIC, fantasy stock trading firms could be flouting the law if they incentivize or reward real trades. Additionally, firms facilitating such trading must obtain an Australian Financial Services license. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), on August 30, 2016 issued a press release[9] warning investors about such schemes. It further clarified that these schemes are neither approved nor endorsed by SEBI or any other SEBI recognized exchange. Furthermore, in its caveat, it also stated that the benefits generally available to an investor such as the dispute resolution mechanism as well as the grievance redressal mechanism would not be available to the concerned participant. Similarly, even the Bombay Stock Exchange issued an advisory against such leagues/competitions and schemes etc.[10] ANLYSIS AND EXAMINATION OF ITS LEGALITY It is the authors submission that it is detrimental to declare a budding and more importantly an innovative industry illegal without qualification. Unfortunately, there are currently no laws for fantasy trading and fantasy sports companies. In the US, if a website qualifies as a fantasy sports provider under the Uniform Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA), so long as the website fulfills three statutory obligations, it is notconsidered to be a gambling transaction and is therefore free from all of the regulations and restrictions gambling law provides[11]. An evergreen comparison in the spheres of law, public policy and economics is at of securities trading and sports gambling. Many investors buy stock for the same reasons that gamblers may choose certain slots machines, lottery numbers, or squares on a roulette table, or choose to bet or fold a certain poker hand.[12] Findings by scholars like Christian Hurt conclude that, despite being structurally different, sports betting and the securities market are not very different when it comes to the balance of chance and skill required to be successful in either. It is the submission of the author that it is conceivable to place fantasy football into a comparison between sports betting and securities exchanges. At this juncture, it is imperative to note that the business model of fantasy stock trading is largely similar to fantasy sports trading. The position of law in the USA with regards fantasy trading is fascinating. Fantasy trading is legal in the US but is largely unregulated by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). The process of creating a regulatory framework for this industry is underway[13]. Despite a strict prohibition on sports betting in the US, the Congress has not touched upon, rather intentionally, online fantasy sports. To illustrate, in 2006 Congress passed the UIGEA. The Act made it illegal for those engaged in the business of betting or wagering to knowingly accept funds connected to illegal internet gambling. But the Act creates an explicit exception for fantasy sports games[14]. The exception enunciates: (I) All prizes and awards offered to winning participants are established and made known to the participants in advance of the game or contest and their value is not determined by the number of participants or the amount of any fees paid by those participants. (II) All winning outcomes reflect the relative knowledge and skill of the participants and are determined predominantly by accumulated statistical results of the performance of individuals (athletes in the case of sports events) in multiple real-world sporting or other events. (III) No winning outcome is based (aa) on the score, point-spread, or any performance or performances of any single real-world team or any combination of such teams; or (bb) solely on any single performance of an individual athlete in any single real-world sporting or other event.[15] Hence, games based upon the performances of several individuals/teams over several games, set prizes and the relative knowledge and skill of participants prevent fantasy trading from being deemed as gambling operations and illegal. It is the opinion of the author that it is paramount to examine whether fantasy trading constitutes illegal online betting. Erick Lee, for example, opines that fantasy games do not constitute illegal betting, nor are such games plagued with the same public policy problems as traditional gambling only restricted statutory regulation within hypercompetitive [high payout] fantasy leagues should be enacted.[16] On the contrary, Nicole Davidson distinguishes between Games of Chance and Games of Skill and determines that fantasy sports rely on chance more than skill. This, tied with the entrance fee consideration most participants pay, may put fantasy trading in conflict with federal and state laws, Davidson argues.[17] For sake of our analysis, reference has been made to a particular framework computed by scholar Christine Hurt. To Hurt, attempts to distinguish most any kind of gambling from most any kind of investing are illusory.[18] She thus rejects the traditional distinction, still used by courts today, of games of chance versus games of skill and replaces it with a spectrum of speculation ranging from games of pure chance to games of pure skill.[19] According to Hurt, Sports Betting, Stock Trading, and Insider Sports Betting all sit right in the middle, between Pure Chance and Pure Skill. She also finds trading in derivatives markets, and day-trading, to be more based in chance than sports betting; meanwhile, illegal insider sports betting and insider stock trading are more based in skill than individual stock trading.[20] In an analysis of where fantasy sports, particularly daily fantasy sports, sits on this spectrum, the answer falls lies between sports betting, stock trading, and insider s ports betting. It is difficult to come up with many legitimate reasons to ban sports gambling on one hand, but allow stock trading on the other. Hurt points to dated arguments for paternalism, social order, and morals as reasons for historys disdain for gambling. Arguments against gambling may focus on the immorality of either striving to achieve something without earning it or worshiping luck and therefore straying from monotheistic Judeo- Christian teachings.[21] Truth be told, determining figuring out a regulatory environment for fantasy trading through the lens of social policy and moralistic arguments is a messy affair. I would now analyze the structure of fantasy trading in order to determine its legality. The determination would be based on three facets operational, contractual and regulatory. The author would also look into the legalities of gambling as it falls in the same domain as the securities market and fantasy trading. It is pertinent to note that fantasy stock trading closely mirrors the Securities Market. The service provider manages the information they receive, publishes it selectively and profits based off the information they provide. Lets analyze fantasy trading using a three prong test. First, an examination of the operational structure of a fantasy trading transaction shall be done- who participates, who aids the transaction, in whose control the information is, timeline, expenses and changes made to the contract etc. Second, the contractual consideration is perused. Thirdly, the regulatory framework surrounding the transaction and the industry shall be looked into. We would be l ooking into the fantasy trading industry and regulations of the US, as there exists little legal literature on this subject matter in India. The Competition When it comes to stakeholders, there exist four of them. Participants are the ones who compete in the fantasy leagues. Host sites are the websites where information, news updates and statistics are stored and released. Commissioners oversee the league rules and solve disputes amongst players. Treasures collect money from the participants. However, due to multiple roles assumed by one stakeholder, effectively, there exist only two stakeholders the participants and the hosting website. Needless to say, the structure of the competition bears a resemblance to internet gambling and stock trading. The Consideration All participants pay entry fee. Participants can be denied at the behest of the commissioners/treasurers. The participant provides money in exchange for the chance of greater winnings. This is problematic as this is what makes one instantly compare illegal gambling with fantasy trading. In exchange, the website, provides as consideration the information available on their website, a stake in the prize and other website functions. Under terms of use websites also require participants to agree to all terms, including age limits, refund policies and conditions of participation. This generally exists by way of Standard Form Agreement. The Regulatory framework Much of the current controversy surrounding daily fantasy sports is centered on the exceptions that allow fantasy sports sites to operate despite federal antigambling laws.[22] Other laws that have put a blanket ban on online sports gambling have not been applied to fantasy sports. Despite the 1961 Wire Act, it has not been applied to fantasy sports leagues. There is no indication that any fantasy sports companies are banned under the Illegal Gambling Business Act. MEASURES: THE BEST FOOT FORWARD A complete ban is strict no-no because of its economic consequences. Banning, I believe, sends across a specious message to innovators. However, the author does understand the number of challenges these innovative practices poses on regulators. The first question to be asked here is when should fantasy trading be considered economically and legally relevant? How can the regulators strike the balance between the advancement of innovation and protection of customers from fraud and liability? A monstrous problem with any regulator across the world, I believe, is the misapplication of legal tools in innovative practices. Ex: Fixing tariffs by way of regulations for disruptive business models such as Ola and Uber is counterproductive to the innovation ecosystem.[23] To conclude, the formula has been: Changed Game + Same Rules = Game Over Other option, albeit risky, is that of self-regulation. The fantasy sports trading industry is the US is largely self-regulated. This is depicted in the age restriction and other terms of use. Furthermore, employees of the company or immediate family members of said employees; employees of any competing fantasy sight and any immediate family member; employees of any sports governing body that has access to privileged information or is barred from participating in sports bets; and more are prohibited from entering a contest.[24] There are a few rules designed to protect participants from frauds. But, the problem with self-regulation is that in a country like India this form of governance is unprecedented. More so, we do not know how the industry enforces these rules. For example: When it comes to enforcing the employee ban on participation, the scandal in the world of fantasy trading was created by an employee who won $350,000 by playing at another, rival site. CONCLUSION An important facet to fantasy trading that places it in the legal gamut is negotiability. Without negotiability which means the ability to raise the stakes or change the nature of the investment, any skill the participant may bring on the table is futile. They are left to the fancies of chance. For example: Stocks are negotiable. That is to say while the terms of the stock may be fixed at any time they can buy more stock or sell stock. They can even wield influence over the company. Likewise, in fantasy sports trading, participants can trade athletes with other with other participants or auction for new athletes. They exercise a lot of influence over negotiating their stake in the league. Fantasy trading is the middle grounds of share trading which is legal and online betting games like sports betting which is largely illegal. The more interested parties join in this industry, the tougher it will be to criminalize fantasy trading. The state views skill based games as legal and greater the needle points towards worshipping luck, the more chances of the game being deemed illegal. It is my opinion that Fantasy trading is completely legal so long as these games have longer timeframes, modest jackpots and smaller groups of participants. Games with short timeframes, giant jackpots and large participation come close to illegal gambling. Final thoughts are that we need some framework of regulation. An absolute ban is a thumb down. A policing system must be put in place to forbid employees from using potential privileged information to win big, ensuring that service providers are fairly handling the entry fee and distributing awards and checking for conflicts of interests between participants among other things. A robust dispute resolution mechanism is required in order to keep fantasy trading a legitimate and benign industry. ************* [1] [2] Joe Drape and Jacqueline Williams, Scandal Erupts in Unregulated World of Fantasy Sports. NYTIMES.COM, Oct. 5, 2015. [3] Bob Hohler, An uncertain line between fantasy sports, gambling. BOSTONGLOBE.COM, Aug. 2, 2015. [4] Dustin Gouker, Are FanDuel and DraftKings Television Partnerships All Locked In After Summer Flurry? LEGALSPORTSREPORT.COM, Aug. 12, 2015. [5] Supra n. 2. [6] Joe Drape, DraftKings Continues to Operate in Nevada NYTIMES.COM, Oct. 18, 2015. [7] Andew Vacca, Sports Betting: Why the United States should go all in. Willamette Sports Law Journal. [8] Georgia Wilkins, Fantasy Stock trading in ASIC sights. THE SUNDAY MORNING HERALD, March 28, 2016. [9] [10] [11] Marc Edelman, A Short Treatise on Fantasy Sports Harvard Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law 35 (2012) [12] Christine Hurt, Regulating Public Morals and Private Markets: Online Securities Trading, Internet Gambling, and the Speculation Paradox, 86 B.U.L. Rev. 371 [13] [14] Marc Edelman, A Short Treatise on Fantasy sports and the Law: How America regulates its new national pastime, 3 Harv. J. Sports Ent. L. Rev. 1, 37 (2012). [15] 31 U.S.C.A. ÂÂ §5362 (2006). [16] Erick S. Lee, Play ball! Substituting Current Federal Non-regulation of Fantasy sports leagues with limited supervision of hyper-competitive leagues, 29 Loy. L.A. Ent. L. Rev. 53, 87 (2008-2009). [17] Nicole Davidson, Internet gambling: should Fantasy sports leagues be prohibited? 39 San Diego L. Rev. 201, 228-229 (2002) [18] Christine Hurt, Regulating public morals and private markets: Online securities trading, internet gambling, and the speculation paradox, 86 B.U.L. Rev. 371, 377 (2006). [19] Christine Hurt, Regulating public morals and private markets: Online securities trading, internet gambling, and the speculation paradox, 86 B.U.L. Rev. 371 (2006). [20] Id. at 378. [21] Id. at 402. [22] Marc Edelman, A Short treatise on Fantasy sports and the Law: How America regulates its new national pastime, 3 Harv. J. Sports Ent. L. Rev. 1, 37 (2012). [23]Akshay Deshmane, Delhi readies policy to fix tariff ceiling for Uber, Ola ECONOMICTIMES.INDIATIMES.COM, Aug. 11, 2016. [24] Draftkings Terms of Use,; Fanduel Terms of Use,
Friday, October 25, 2019
Politics in the Music of Green Day Essay -- Political Music Essays Pap
Politics in Music Every day we live our lives exercising the right of freedom of expression. In our country, everyone is entitled to his/her own opinions and are allowed to express those opinions freely and openly except in different circumstances where the state determines when (if) a limitation of this freedom is necessary. What happens when this threshold is breached? How has the freedom of expression affected the music industry? How has this all affected society? Green Day is punk rock musical trio from California that features Billie Joe Armstrong on guitar and lead vocals, Mike Dirnt on bass guitar and backing vocals, and Trà © Cool on the drums. Green Day is widely credited, along with fellow California bands The Offspring and Rancid, with reviving mainstream interest in and popularizing punk rock in the United States during the mid 1990s. The band has sold over 30 million albums in the United States, and over 63.5 million records worldwide, â€Å"making them the most successful punk band of all time†(Bruen, par. 4). Green Day currently has three Grammy Awards under their belt including Best Alternative Album for Dookie, Best Rock Album for American Idiot, and Record of the Year for their single â€Å"Boulevard of Broken Dreams.†They are also second to the Red Hot Chili Peppers for the most number-ones on Billboard’s Modern Rock Tracks with eight, and most collective weeks at number one on the Modern Rock Tracks wi th 39. â€Å"American Idiot is a 57 minute politically charged epic depicting a character named Jesus of Suburbia as he suffers through the decline and fall of the American Dream†(Moss, par. 2). The album cover for American Idiot, which is pictured above, illustrates a transparent hand snatching a blood-dripping gr... ...y mixes punk and politics.† 23 September 2004. 15 October 2006. /storage/paper340/news/2004/09/23/Focus/Green.Day.Mixes.Punk.And.Politics-728545.shtml?norewrite200610291921&> Malakian, Daron Vartan. â€Å"B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Bombs).†Mezmorize. Colombia, 2005. Mattingly, David. â€Å"Dixie Chicks begin tour amid controversy.†CNN.Com/Entertainment 1 May 2003. 15 October 2006. 01/dixie.chicks.tour/index.html> Moss, Corey. â€Å"Why Idiot Was The Smart Move For Green Day.†VH1.COM 01 October 2004. 15 October 2006. green_day.jhtml> Tyrangiel, Josh. â€Å"In the Line of Fire.† 21 May 2006. 15 October 2006.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Ethical Issues Coca Cola Needs to Consider
P1 – Describe the ethical issues Coca Cola needs to consider in its operational activities. Your manager has asked you to prepare briefing papers to explain the ethical issues the client organisation needs to consider in its operational activities (P1) Understanding Business Ethics| Understanding business ethics| Business Ethics plays an important role in business today and it can be defined as an examination of how people & institutions should behave in the world of commerce and it Ethics – is the study of the moral obligations and the difference between right and wrong.Ethical values – the standards that are held and are set by a business or individuals that control their behavior. Business Ethics . Every activity and every profession requires that employees work with the responsibility and must respect not only general, but also the special requirements of professional morality. Since ancient times it comes to professional morality or professional ethics, emph asizing such things as professional conscience and responsibility, self-esteem and dignity. Source http://www. ibe. org. uk/index. asp? upid=71&msid=12Individuals and professionals within Coca-Cola must be ethical in the decisions they make this include: Respect other workers and managers, Using appropriate behavior Perform job competently Act loyally Act honestly Coca-Cola ethical activities Coca-cola always focuses on making a positive contribution to the community. Coca-cola support a lot of charities, aims to be the beverage industry leader in energy efficiency and climate protection. Also they keep trying to improve bottling plants to safely return to nature and communities an amount of water equivalent to what they use in their beverages and production.Operational activities Operational activities are day-to-day actions taken by a firm to achieve its primary purpose to simplify that it is what a business actually does. Coca-cola makes soft drinks and beverage products, factori es contain machinery and have people running them, it makes and receives deliveries, people travel to and from the factory. Operational management is very important and that includes controlling how a business works, so that it achieves the aims and objectives which is set by strategic management. Aims and objectives An aim is where the business wants to go in the future, its goals.Objectives give the business a clearly defined target. Plans can then be made to achieve these targets. Without aims and objectives there is no meaning to business, it's the aim and objectives that give meaning to subsequent activities of planning, directing, staffing, organising and controlling. Coca-cola’s aims and objectives are to: To refresh the world – in mind, body and spirit by providing the best product that they can to the public in order to create customer satisfaction and ensure that all employees are working to their highest standards.Coca-Cola also wants to be the best beverage sales and customer service Company and make sure to never let their high standards of quality fail. To create a value and make a difference – everywhere they engage. To inspire moments of optimism – through their brands and actions Live Our Values Coca-Cola’s values serves as a compass for their actions and describe how they behave in the world. Values include: Leadership: The courage to shape a better future Collaboration: Leverage collective genius Integrity: Be real Accountability: If it is to be, it's up to me Passion: Committed in heart and mindDiversity: As inclusive as our brands Quality: What we do, we do well http://www. thecocacolacompany. com/ourcompany/mission_vision_values. html Corporate Responsibility Coca-Cola manages their corporate responsibility through the Public Policy and Corporate reputation council. Coca-cola also have to review Company policies and practices relating to significant public issues of concern to the shareholders. After res earching Coca-cola’s Code of Conduct I found that Coca-cola said: Corporate responsibility is not just good for Coca-Cola, but for the whole world too.Protecting resources, saving energy and encouraging recycling are serious challenges. If we all play our part in meeting them, everybody will benefit. http://www. thecoca-colacompany. com/ourcompany/pdf/COBC_English. pdf Corporate Governance The Coca-Cola Company is committed to sound principles of corporate governance. The Board is elected by the shareowners to oversee their interest in the long-term health and the overall success of the business and its financial strength. The Board serves as the ultimate decision making body of the Company, except for those matters reserved to or shared with the shareowners.The Board selects and oversees the members of senior management, who are charged by the Board with conducting the business of the Company. After researching Coca-cola’s Code of Conduct I found that the responsibili ty for administering the Code rests with the Ethics & Compliance Committee, with oversight by the Chief Financial Officer, General Counsel and Audit Committee of the Board of Directors. The Ethics & Compliance Committee is comprised of senior leaders representing corporate governance functions as well as operations. http://www. thecoca-colacompany. om/ourcompany/pdf/COBC_English. pdf Environment Environment is very important as it’s the natural world either as a whole or in a particular geographical area. When it comes to Coca-Cola they keep trying to improve themselves and be environmentally friendly. Coca-Cola designed water programs to support healthy watersheds and sustainable programs to balance the water used throughout their production process. Also they use sustainable packaging, energy saving and climate protection. There are many bad stories how Coca-Cola had a bad impact on the environment. Negative stories – EnvironmentIn 2004 Coca-Cola opened bottling oper ations in India – Kala Dera village and after factory was opened the community started to notice a rapid decline in groundwater levels and people was thirsting because of Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola has more than 50 bottling plants and six are reported that they are draining water too much, because each bottling plant extracts up to 1. 5m litres of water everyday from the ground and it takes about 9L of clean water to manufacture a 1L of Coke. Sustainability Sustainability can be defined as maintaining the world’s resources rather than depleting or destroying them.This will ensure business can support human activity now and in the future. Coca-Cola is always trying to reduce and optimize the amount of materials and energy used for their packaging, also 85% of their products is delivered in recyclable bottles and cans. Coca-Cola are also trying to reduce their impact and minimize their use of water and their goal is to improve their water efficiency by 20% by 2012. So all in a ll Coca-Cola is keep trying to stay sustainable as possible, although they have bad stories about depleting water in India. In 2000 Coca-Cola opened a new plant at Plachimada in India and it produced 1. m litres of coke everyday which is almost 11m litres of clean water from the ground everyday. Human rights are the rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled. Coca-Cola is constantly improving their human rights by respecting their employees and customers and protecting workplace rights. Coca-Cola had a lot of bad stories about human rights. To date, there have been a total of 179 major human rights violations of Coca- Cola's workers, including 9 murders. In 2001 Coca-Colas bottling companies had been linked to many controversies.These included the murder of eight union leaders. Violence, abductions and torturing of the union members were common practice in Colombia. In Code of Conduct Coca-Cola have said â€Å"We are continually advancing our understanding of human rights by engaging with experts in the field and with our peer companies. In 2007, The Coca-Cola Company joined the Business Leaders Initiative on Human Rights (BLIHR), a network of 11 multinational companies focused on identifying practical ways of applying human rights principles within the business context. †http://www. thecoca-colacompany. om/ourcompany/pdf/COBC_English. pdf Corruption is to be guilty of dishonest practices and impairment of integrity. Corrupt means getting something by unfair means. It’s a major concern for every business and Coca-Cola do have a policy on corruption, although they were involved in corruption in past such as they â€Å"underhand dealing†and getting contracts not ethically and fairly. Anti-Corruption Partnership As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, Coca-Cola are actively engaged with other companies and nongovernmental organizations in the fight against corruption.In December 2007, Coca-Cola became a signatory to t he World Economic Forum Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI), making The Coca-Cola Company the first food and beverage company to join approximately 140 other multinational companies in the private sector fight against corruption http://www. thecoca-colacompany. com/ourcompany/pdf/COBC_English. pdf Trading fairly – is market-based approach to empowering fair trade where: * Business is carried on in an open manner * Consumers can feel secure that the goods and services that they paying for are going to be of satisfactory quality * Competition is open and fair 005 Pepsi Co had filed a case in the US accusing Coca-Cola of monopolizing the market of fountain dispensed soft drinks in the US. 2005 Coca-Cola agreed to end all its deals with shops and bars in Europe to stock only Coca-Cola. 2005 Coca-Cola were accused of poor trade practices in Mexico, because Mexicans were buying â€Å"Big Cola†rather then products from â€Å"Coca-Cola†because it was cheap er therefore Coca-Cola changed pricing strategies in Mexico and therefore started threatening the small business owners to stop selling â€Å"Big Cola†.Coca-Cola had few bad stories for not trading fairly in past these includes not letting shops to sell other soft drinks. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Fair_trade Legal and regulatory compliance Legal Compliance is more important than regulatory compliance. The most important statutory areas are; * Freedom of Information Acts (2000 and 2002) * Data Protection (1998) * Health and Safety * Employment Law * Human Rights (2000) * Animal Welfare Acts And Regulation * Contractual Relationships * Environmental Information regulations 009 Lawsuit was filed in regards to company flavours, of Vitamin Water. Claims say that there is 33 grams of sugar in each bottle of Coca-Cola that is more harmful than the vitamins and other additives. 2008 Coca-Cola were accused in Philippines for an unfair competition case because investigation raided three of cokes warehouses for illegally possessing imported bottles. 2008 Coca-Cola had to pay $137. 5 million to settle a shareholder lawsuit as they were channel stuffing or artificial inflation. Coca-Cola was charged in a U. S.District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, with â€Å"forcing some bottlers to purchase hundreds of millions of dollars of unnecessary beverage concentrate to make its sales seem higher. †Regulatory compliance is almost as important as legislative compliance. This is an important element in both good management and institutional efficiency. Elements include: * Funding * Teaching Quality Assessment * Research Quality * Financial Audit * Risk Management * Disaster Planning and Business Recovery http://www. lilesparker. com/areas-of-practice/regulatory-compliance http://www. thecoca-colacompany. om/ourcompany/pdf/COBC_English. pdf Coca-cola negative stories Working conditions Working conditions can be defined as the conditions in which staff works this can include stress and noise levels, degree of safety or danger or physical environment. Coca-cola has strict working conditions to ensure that their staff is always safe. Working conditions are really important and it includes health and safety standards. Coca-cola has bad stories for its working conditions. To investigate Coca-cola’s working conditions few undercover students’ was sent to Coca-cola’s factory for temporary job during summer.One of the student’s was beaten by staff members at the agency and student said that he was beaten by staffers at the agency after he demanded pay for his work at Coca-Cola. Coca-cola had even more bad stories relating to summer jobs these can be found in link bellow: http://www. chinadaily. com. cn/china/2009-08/20/content_8591019. htm Business Practices Business practices are a method, procedure, process, or rule employed or followed by a company in the pursuit of its objectives. Coca-cola has a lot of b usiness practices and some of them was not been followed in the past.In 2003 Indian NGO, Centre for Science and Environment has announced that they found cancer causing chemicals in Coca-Cola. 2007 Coca Cola's products that were produced and distributed in the Indian market contained pesticides such as DDT, lindane, malathion and chlorpyrifos which all contribute to cancer and a weakened immune system of the human body. Individual Ethical responsibilities Every single worker in Coca-cola’s company must act in accordance with the law it does not matter is it staff member or is it manager all individuals should follow their own ethical principals at all time and be ethical.Conclusion Therefore to conclude this report on ethical business culture and trade practices of Coca Cola, some basic elements that can be adopted by Coca Cola are like Develop worldwide code of ethics, by these we mean that the statement given by the company's business culture is not true and the company sho uld come up with a proper solution to this problems and should not tolerate any human rights infractions in any of its plants, or by any of its subsidiaries.Consider ethical issues in strategic development, while making the strategic the company should consider ethical issue and develop its strategy according to it. Develop periodical â€Å"ethical impact statements†, when they are promoting any of its product they should make an ethical statement with it as it will help them to improve the company's image in the minds of consumer. RecommendationsCoca-Cola Company must ensure that they keep their company always ethical and don’t have any bad stories. Although they are doing good job and not getting and bad stories about them lately, but still they should try to make their company even more ethical for people to think that it is a good company that has a good corporate image. Source: Coca-cola bad stories – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Criticism_of_Coca-Cola
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Cadbury Communication Mix Essay
What is the communication mix of Cadbury? The marketing communications mix consists of five major modes of communication 1. Advertising – in the case of Cadbury, advertising is used to build a long-term image of the product – Cadbury must therefore through its media posture be the market champion and carry the brand message – Television is the advised primary medium of communication as it has mass reach, a favourable image, high prestige value and is attention getting – Cadbury also advertise through magazines, radio, promotions, online etc – Consumers might believe that a heavily advertised brand must offer good value – The ‘taste’ of Cadbury’s chocolate has long been the focus of Cadbury’s advertising. This has been supported by the slogan ‘a glass and a half of full cream milk in every 200 grams’, accompanied by a picture of milk pouring into the Cadbury’s Dairy Milk chocolate block. The image has become an integral part of the packaging design and has been featured in magazines, and on buses and trains, billboards, and of course television. 2. Sales promotions – Cadbury use sales-promotion tolls to draw a stronger and quicker buyer response – It can be used for short-run effects to dramatise product offers – The Go Another Cadbury promotion encourages customers to purchase promotionally marked Cadbury products for a chance to win free chocolate bars. This is just one of the many Cadbury promtions. 3. Public Relations – The thought behind public relations, is that it provides advertising to a large audience as well as generates a welcoming community likeness about the company – Well-thought-out programs coordinated with the other promotion-mix elements can be extremely effective – Cadbury are committed to a strategy of â€Å"growing community value around the world†and are focussing on investments in the principal areas of education and enterprise, health and welfare and the environment. Cadbury recognise that prosperous, educated and socially inclusive communities are central to its success. Cadbury are proud of their investment in the community and the contribution made by employees around the world. Creating value in the community is part of their heritage and integral to achieving the core purpose of working together to create brands people love. – Some of the major events and projects that Cadbury support are the Students In Free Enterprise, Foodbank, Variety Club, Melbourne Cup Carnival, Royal Show, World’s Largest Annual Easter Egg Hunt and the three time AFL premiership champion Brisbane Lions Personal Selling – is the most effective tool at later stages of the buying process, particularly in building up buyer preference, conviction and action. Direct Marketing – use of mail, telephone, fax, e-mail or internet to communicate directly with or solicit response or dialogue from customers – in the case of Cadbury this deals more with customers such as supermarkets to help with the set up or organisation of promotions, displays or location Which media seem to be the most important and for which marketing purpose? CDM is undeniably the leader brand of not only the Cadbury’s basket but also the chocolate segment as a whole and is in a sense almost generic to the category in the country. CDM must therefore through its media posture be the brand champion and carry the brand message. With half the advertising spends of Cadbury’s, CDM must build on the brand equity through a premium marketing strategy that reflects in the media communication and positioning as well. This would translate to large and continuous brand presence. Television is the advised primary medium of communication as it has mass reach, a favourable image, high prestige value and is attention getting while having low cost per exposure for a high absolute spend. The media will go hand-in-hand with the advertising in reaching the expanding target audience the brand is reaching out to. Herein, the media must also supplement the youthful exuberance and rebelliousness of the advertising communication. Caution should be maintained not to dent brand equity while increasing penetration in smaller towns by using locally targeted media channels in a manner that will allow capitalisation of the ‘premiumness’ of the brand. A strategic brand n the Cadbury’s inventory, it is the only brand facing competitive ad spend from Nestle in its sub-category and so must build on its strengths and plug its weaknesses within its restrictions. The target audience is well defined and an entirely different gamut with regard to communication strategies including media vehicles. The primary target is school-going children and though mothers as buyers are enticed by the advertising message of ‘goodness of milk’ it is primarily the children who act as influencers and are to be spoken to through the advertising and consequently the media. The media again acting as a support of the advertising proposition and being a high-visibility strong presence and recall value brand with the TG. A comparatively tight budget calls for media innovation, which may include reaching out directly to schoolchildren via direct marketing strategies to supplement other media channels. This can be kept in mind while considering the implementation of the media posture. Cadbury’s communication, like its brand personality is a reflection of the relationship it shares with its consumers. Cadbury’s Dairy Milk is the brand leader and in effect the mouthpiece of the Cadbury’s range, through which it successfully attempts to remain the almost generic leader of the category, defining its own territory and the segment it operates in. Media priority therefore is CDM, which is the brand image and should therefore be the prime-mover in retaining top of the mind recall through its advertising and media channels. Cadburys has identified these brand values and adjusts its advertising strategies to reflect these values in different markets. Its strategy can vary from increasing brand awareness, educating potential customers about a new product, increasing seasonal purchases, or as is currently the case in the ‘Choose Cadbury’ campaign to highlight the positive emotional value of the brand. After identifying brand values the marketing manager must match these to the specific market. For this reason it is important to identify possible segments that have specific needs, and to highlight appropriate brand values that will promote the brand in that market. The Cadbury product range addresses the needs of each and every consumer, from childhood to maturity, from impulse purchase to family treats. For example an analysis of the ‘gift’ sector highlights the importance of developing innovative products to address specific markets. Cadbury designs products to coincide with Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s, Mother’s and Father’s Day and other calendar landmarks. Cadbury use marketing strategies such as the ‘Choose Cadbury’ strategy to encourage a link between chocolate and these events ensuring there is a Cadbury chocolate product suitable and available for every occasion. The confectionery market is full of brands that need to fight for our attention. The role of advertising is to keep a brand in the mind of the consumer. We are constantly presented with countless brand images and messages on a daily basis. During the lifetime of a brand, companies will develop marketing strategies that communicate brand identity and core values to gain our attention. In order to keep its product competitive and contemporary, these messages need to change over time. Cadbury provides one of the most successful examples of how an advertising message can be modified from one campaign to the next to attribute new values to a brand giving consumers more reasons to buy Cadburys. Healthy brand equity or brand strength is critical in an impulse-driven, competitive market. Advertising plays a key role in maintaining this strength. Cadbury employs all types of advertising from the internet to posters, from TV, radio and cinema to print media. This same creative message is then communicated through point of sale, merchandising, package design and public relations. The ‘Choose Cadbury’ Marketing Strategy The ‘glass and a half ‘, corporate purple and flowing script has become synonymous with Cadbury: these design elements have been used to great effect in developing the connotation of goodness that this imagery suggests. In the 1980s another vital attribute – taste – was highlighted. Regardless of national preferences about how chocolate should taste (e.g. dark chocolate is traditionally more popular in Europe whereas Australians prefer creamier milk chocolate) the implication was clear – Cadbury offers taste and texture that appeals to all. In the 1990s further emphasis was placed on ‘taste’. The strapline ‘Chocolate is Cadbury’, which was built upon previous brand values and allowed Cadbury to stake its claim and taking ownership of the word ‘chocolate’ and the chocolate eating experience. Earlier this year, Cadbury introduced a new global marketing strategy called ‘Choose Cadbury’. This strategy came about as a result of extensive research into consumer behaviour and perception. It is a campaign that perfectly illustrates how a brand can evolve and how different messages can be communicated without losing the core strength and brand values that are already established. The classic icons have played a major role in establishing the look and feel of how Cadbury’s advertisements should look through successive campaigns. These key ‘look and feel’ icons were heavily researched to ensure that the messages they impart are always relevant to the Cadbury consumer. In depth customer research is conducted to ‘test’ these messages. Research results confirmed that colour recognition of dark purple is strongly associated with Cadbury. Its logo is readily recognised and scores a ninety six per cent recognition level alongside other global brands such as Coca Cola and McDonalds. The glass and a half symbol, which plays a key role in the current ‘Choose Cadbury’ strategy, continues to communicate the quality and superior taste of Cadbury’s chocolate. The central message of the ‘Choose Cadbury’ strategy hinges on the established glass and a half symbol. Is the glass half full or half empty? Cadbury suggests that the glass is always half full appealing to our emotions. Therefore, in choosing Cadbury we are taking a decision to embrace the positive. This optimistic metaphor is, according to consumer testing in the UK and Australia, well understood amongst consumers. In this ‘Choose Cadbury’ campaign, the product ingredient of milk has been elevated from a practical, rational platform to an emotional one Cadbury can deliver on optimism, happiness and a feel-good factor. If a brand can do all this, the decision to purchase this brand over all other chocolate brands seems to be logical and inevitable. The ‘Choose Cadbury’ strapline is a call to action designed to motivate us. We are not expected to simply absorb the advertising message, we are being called upon to make a conscious purchase decision. We are reassured that the Cadbury product will remain unchanged, (Cadbury is Chocolate and it still tastes good), but we are given more reasons to remain brand loyal (Cadbury is Chocolate – feels good i.e. positive, uplifting, mood enhancing, providing enjoyment and happiness). At no stage in the evolution of the Cadbury brand has there been as much reliance on taking ownership of the emotional side of eating chocolate as there is now. Owning the emotional territory for chocolate helps Cadbury to elevate its product in the mind of the consumer. With the ‘Choose Cadbury’ campaign consumers are being offered both logical and emotional reasons to buy a Cadbury product as a first option on every occasion.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Funny Quotes for Your Christmas Celebration
Funny Quotes for Your Christmas Celebration Want to make witty remarks this Christmas? Ogden Nash, Dave Barry, Charles Dickens, and many other authors share their Christmas humor with you on this page. Peter Dickinson The threat of Christmas hung in the air, visible already in the fretful look of passersby as they readied themselves for the meaningless but necessary rites of false jovialities and ill-considered gifts. Max Lucado, God Came Near Were it not for the shepherds, there would have been no reception. And were it not for a group of stargazers, there would have been no gifts. Once again we find ourselves enmeshed in the Holiday Season, that very special time of year when we join with our loved ones in sharing centuries-old traditions such as trying to find a parking space at the mall. We traditionally do this in my family by driving around the parking lot until we see a shopper emerge from the mall, then we follow her, in very much the same spirit as the Three Wise Men, who 2,000 years ago followed a star, week after week, until it led them to a parking space. Ogden Nash People cant concentrate properly on blowing other people to pieces if their minds are poisoned by thoughts suitable to the twenty-fifth of December. Katharine Whitehorn, Roundabout From a commercial point of view, if Christmas did not exist it would be necessary to invent it. Frank McKinney Hubbard ​Next to a circus there aint nothing that packs up and tears out faster than the Christmas spirit. Bill Waterson, Calvin Hobbes Oh look, yet another Christmas TV special! How touching to have the meaning of Christmas brought to us by cola, fast food, and beer... Whod have ever guessed that product consumption, popular entertainment, and spirituality would mix so harmoniously? Dave Barry, Christmas Shopping In the old days, it was not called the Holiday Season; the Christians called it Christmas and went to church; the Jews called it Hanukkah and went to synagogue; the atheists went to parties and drank. People passing each other on the street would say Merry Christmas! or Happy Hanukkah! or (to the atheists) Look out for the wall! W. J. Cameron There has been only one Christmas the rest are anniversaries. Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol Out upon merry Christmas! Whats Christmas time to you but a time for paying bills without money; a time for finding yourself a year older, but not an hour richer...? If I could work my will, said Scrooge indignantly, every idiot who goes about with Merry Christmas upon his lips should be boiled with his won pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart. He should!
Monday, October 21, 2019
dual labor market essays
dual labor market essays Even with all the gains women have made on the job market, they will always be a step behind there fellow male coworkers. Women have made significant gains with their numbers in the workforce, but they still fall behind in the their average wages made. There a many major factors for this, but they are all brought about by the dual labor market. Women cannot compete with men on the job market because they do not belong to the same market. It is the belief that an executives secretary should not be making the same amount as the executive. It is felt that because women work jobs that have less impact, that they obviously should be paid less money. It was cited in class that women have begun on a whole to catch up to men in there average wages, now making roughly seventy eight percent of there male counterparts. But this statistic does not break down the actual numbers. When that is done a new truth is brought to light and that is that women have only caught up to men because the men have simply been forced into lower paid jobs. Women are continually given less pay because there are different qualifications for women than men on the job market. As Professor Stokes said, when a man has a picture of his family on his desk he is viewed as a stable man, when a women has a picture on her desk, she is viewed as putting her family first. It is fairly difficult to put women in the same job market as men with thought patterns like that are still around. And because of that women are constantly finding themselves working in a very limited number of jobs. I believe that the crowding theory is a very important factor to why women are having difficulties catching up in the job market. Because women are so clustered in so few jobs, i.e. nursing, sales, receptionist, they are in a sense driving their own wages down. Employers see such an abundance of women available for those jobs there is no need to attract women to them with high wages. But i ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Causes And Effects Of Traffic Congestion Tourism Essay
Causes And Effects Of Traffic Congestion Tourism Essay Jain, Sharma and Subramanian mentioned that congestion in the United States has increased dramatically since the last twenty-five years, which is the same as many countries that suffering from traffic congestion currently. From the authors’ prospective, one of the major causes of traffic jam in the most cities is ‘poor road traffic management system’. Increasing of traffic congestion every year is causing increasing of air pollution, wasting of time and productivity and causes diverse diseases such as, respiratory diseases. Moreover, the cost of solving or reducing traffic congestion is enormous. However, neglecting the traffic jam problem would increase the social problems among citizens. The next part of this essay illustrates many causes of traffic congestion in different cities around the world, and the effects of these causes on the environment. Furthermore, the solutions that solved the traffic jam problem, and the suggested solutions that could help to red uce the congestion in some cities. Causes and Effects This part of the essay demonstrates many causes, effects and possible solutions of traffic congestion problems. 1. Los Angeles (USA). Causes and Effects: One of the main causes of traffic congestion in Los Angeles (United States of America) is ‘car culture’, which means many people in the city or county owned private cars (Thisdell, 1993). Additionally, the land-use pattern is an important reason that makes people in Los Angeles were using private cars widely and made transport planning difficult. Furthermore, traffic congestion increased due to no underground railway and public transport in Los Angeles. Moreover, the high numbers of vehicles, which are a result of overpopulation and the economic growth, and the weak of public transportation, have a negative effect on the environment such as air pollution, which happened on Saturday when commuter traffic is insignificant. Sorensen (2009) illustrated many reasons that make Los Angeles have traffic congestion such as ‘Common misconceptions’ and ‘high regional population density’. As an example of common misconceptions, people in Los Angeles love cars’ driving, which means the relation between people and their cars is very strong and described as love’s relation. As an example of ‘high regional population density’ is drivers were not consider roads as a problem of traffic congestion. Sorensen said that high population and some of the other factors that aforementioned could also make the traffic jam worse. Solutions: Thisdell (1993) mentioned that Los Angeles County transportation committee said creates more roads for cars will not solve traffic congestion problems, with increasing numbers of people and vehicles. Also, traditional public transport such as buses will be more effective in limited areas only. The committee suggested that ‘Metro’ system, which is a complete project of pu blic transport including underground railways, buses and developing motorways. It is clear that, the system has many advantages such as reducing time loss, increase productivity and cut pollution. However, the cost of making just the first part of Metro project was $1.35 billion. In addition, there are some threats to human life such as, gas and earthquakes. Sorensen (2009) mentioned about some short strategies that can solve traffic problem in Los Angeles such as, encouraging people to use ‘ride-sharing’ and bicycles, improve the system of controlling the traffic light and make it more efficient, which are inexpensive solutions but very effective and eco-friendly. The other solution is ‘Peak -hour road pricing’ which make people pay some money to drive on specific roads at specific period of the day Downs (2004). This solution makes roads expensive and avoids traffic congestion at peak hours.
Friday, October 18, 2019
An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of realist, neoliberal and Essay
An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of realist, neoliberal and social constructivist approach on European integration and European security - Essay Example Firstly, the end of the Cold War would increase relative gains concerns among the European states, creating barriers to cooperation. Secondly, institutions could not overcome this barrier to cooperation. (Smith, 2000, p.40). In Mearsheimer's view international institutions were 'merely an intervening variable in the process' by which the balance of power mechanism leads to war (Mearsheimer, 1995a, p.13). Neorealist Joseph Grieco (1995) argued that the successful negotiation of the Treaty on European Union (TEU, 1992) and Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) rebuked the neorealist theory that states hold international institutions in low esteem (Rosamond, 2000, p.133). Further, a more likely explanation of the EU's longevity was the post-Second World War balances of power politics (Rosamond, 2000, p.134). Grieco stated that throughout the last 20 years: Grieco's alternative hypothesis offered a potent explanation for the intensification of European integration in the 1980s/1990s. For Grieco EMU negotiations were an interstate bargain without initial supranational sponsorship. This questions how and why states came to choose the mode of EMU development in the TEU (Rosamond, 2000, p.134). "if states share a common interest and undertake negotiations on rules constituting a collaborative arrangement, then the weaker but still influential partners will seek to ensure that the rules so constructed will provide sufficient opportunities for them to voice their concerns and interests and thereby prevent or at least ameliorate their domination by stronger parties". (Grieco, 1995, p.35) The key question for Grieco was "why did the EC countries undertake such an ambitious risky, programme of institutional innovation as is envisioned by the Maastricht Treaty, and especially its elements on EMU" (Grieco, 1995, p.23) More specifically, Grieco argued that neorealism faced "an acute need" to explain why "key middle-rank" EU members, particularly France and Italy, decided to "join with a potentially hegemonic partner in an economic balancing coalition" (Grieco, 1996, p.304). Grieco proffered a revised neorealist argument about secondary states and the interests that might lead them to cooperate with stronger partners through international institutions (1995, p.24). There were economic and policy influence benefits for doing so (Grieco, 1996, p.287). The 'voice opportunities' associated with participation in institutions offered states a means both to encourage the 'compliance of stronger partners' and to address any unequal distributions of gains which may arise in the course of cooperation (Grieco, 1996, p.288). Grieco believed that 'neorealism should be amended to ascribe significance to institutions' because the 'voice opportun
Racial profiling Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Racial profiling - Coursework Example Indeed, it has been increasingly common in light of the perceived threats to the population by Islamic terrorists. Thus, in airplanes, Islamic-looking individuals are subjected to inspections and interviews of an intensity that white people are not normally subjected to. The increasing numbers of crime, and the associations by people that these crimes emanate from race-based communities such as Hispanic communities, are also responsible for the growing trend towards racial profiling. While racial profiling is never really legislated as a policy in its explicit sense, the ever-widening range of methods that a law enforcement officer are allowed to employ allow the use of racial profiling as a legitimate strategy. We now proceed to discussing the costs against the benefits of racial profiling. Those who support racial profiling believe that a utilitarian approach must be taken. The argument is that because it is true that there are crimes which certain racial groups are more predisposed to committing than other racial groups, â€Å"special efforts at crime reduction directed at members of such groups are justified, if not required.†(Risse and Zeckhauser, 2004). This basically means that law and order is a more important consideration than improving racial relations or fighting racial inequality. Because crime has such pernicious effects on society, so the argument goes, the order of the day is to end it. In contrast, those who are opposed to racial profiling dispute the position that some races have a greater tendency to commit some crimes than others. Indeed, in a study conducted, the officers’ behaviour of racial profiling is not supported by any showing that the criminal acts in the predominantly white community were committed by African Americans (Meehan and Ponder, 2002). Of course, the deeper objection to racial
Implication of Globalization for Nation-State in Middle East Essay
Implication of Globalization for Nation-State in Middle East - Essay Example Vietnam, China and North Korea managed to resist the American aspiration to terminate communism for forty years. Yet they are not able to stand their ground against the over raging influence of East Asia's capitalist political economy. To say that the end of the cold war was of fundamental importance to American policy is destroying that very policy. It takes it out of vital perspective and obliterates its essential and primary aspirations and goals. There was a much larger "Cold War" strategy and the Cold War itself was only an influential fraction of the puzzle. A predominately American world order was established by the initial US-Soviet hostility. To truly understand America's Cold War policy one has to take a closer look not at its written and spoken policy but at its actions which predominately involve its allies. Officials had coined a new phrase, the US "preponderance of power". This was possible through the construction and preservation of the international economic and political order founded on the American prevalence of power. The allies of the US in East Asia and Europe managed to safeguard the conditions areas from themselves as a result of expelling power politics and nationalist rivalries. The term Globalization has come about because of the development the world has undergone in the technology and communication. Being candid towards and surrendering oneself entirely to the enveloping external powers is what Globalization is really about. More and more frequently the world is being described as a global village. While the economy of every country in the world has been influenced by the diversity of Globalization, it has not always had a positive effect. For the progress of Middle Eastern Least Developed Countries Globalization has actually been an impediment. It seems that Globalization has set out on a course of action which will lead to creating and spreading out international preferences in cultural, environmental, political, social and economic issues.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Adult Learner Interview Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Adult Learner Interview Assignment - Essay Example But all of them also involved a hands-on element. For example, I attended a weeklong safety course for my job. Each day we would learn a specific concept related to workplace safety. This would be the morning instruction. We would then go out into the factory and try to find good and bad examples of this safety concept in our factory. I liked the fact that we got to apply our knowledge right away, instead of just taking notes and listening to a lecture. This is also how my classes at the community college have been. They all have a hands-on element. Well, the work place training was simply because my boss wanted me to take the training. He thought I would be a good person to send. He does this so I can then bring back the information I learned to the manufacturing team members. The classes at the community college have been for my own personal growth. For a while I think I was hoping to find a different job by learning some new skills in these classes. I was thinking I’d like to get into computer repair. But taking these classes showed me I enjoy doing this as a hobby but not as a full time job. For my most recent safety training, the outcome was difficult to measure because we ran out of time and money to implement the safety recommendations we learned in the course. We got a huge order for machines and reevaluating safety procedure went out the window because we had to put all of our efforts into producing the necessary parts. So we really didn’t get a chance to see if what I learned really applied to the real world. It is all just a bunch of theories in my head at this point and I do not think that is what the company intended when they sent me to the training. That was several months ago and I am sure I have forgotten most of what I was taught. If we ever come back to it, I am sure I will be able to recall most of it from my notes and by
Austrian Economics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Austrian Economics - Research Paper Example The second prime objective of Menger was to prove that this explanation of commodity-price-formation is not only general but also abstract. The purpose of this explanation was also to correct the German Historical School, which suggests that there are no such universal economic laws that are applicable across different cultures, times and nations. They rejected the â€Å"Manchester School’s†requisition on global free trade in view of the universal relevance of the comparative edge (Mises, 1969). Menger being a supporter the rich empirical research of the historicists debated that the economic goods’ properties are based on the general theoretical investigation. He also dedicated his book to Wilhelm Roscher who was a renowned historicist. The Historical School’s younger members did not support Menger’s argument. The subsequent argument to this  characterized the methodenstreit or dispute over procedures  followed that the historicist s started to refer Menger and his supporters as the â€Å"Austrian School,†that signifies their mediocrity in comparison to the genuinely German approach (Bostaph, 1994; Caldwell, 2004; Mises, 1969). Although the Historical School applied adequate impact on the German Universities and thereby, took them to the twentieth century however it is the insights of the Austrian School that marked an impact on the remaining professions in other parts of the world. The discussions by Menger in relation to subsiding marginal utility, scarcity, and Robinson Crusoe economies were naturally knitted into the surfacing marginalist consensus. Similarly, the students of Menger, Friedrich Wieser and Eugen Bohm-Bawerk made significant contributions to the principle concept, Wieser for introducing the terminology â€Å"opportunity cost†and Bohm-Bawerk for his coining the time preference discussion (White, 2003). The Austrians had differences with the others, particularly when Marshall re established the production-cost-concept as one blade of a pair of scissors that evaluate price whereas the marginal utility being the other blade of these scissors. However, these were just minor disputes under a wider consensus. Although both F.A. Hayek and Ludwig von Mises followed the tradition of Menger however by the time they were internationally recognized they were just economists and did not require any â€Å"Austrian†label. Since that point of time, the â€Å"Austrian School†simply became a term of historical significance. Nevertheless, the affiliation with the mainstream of the profession continued. The argument related to socialist calculation disclosed the deep, fundamental gulf that distinguishes the Austrians from the neoclassical orthodoxy, which commenced, in 1920, with the publication of â€Å"Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth†by Mises (1935). According to Mises, the socialist planners, without money prices, would miss-out a common denominator for calculating the effectiveness of alternative uses of resources and hence, would be unable to get involved in rational economic calculation. The socialist-economists retorted with the market socialism theory, the concept that the socialist planners could employ the centrally controlled accounting prices and systems of equations as an alternate for market exchange. Hayek and Mises retorted by pointing out that the market socialists basically misinterpreted the issue, but to no benefit. All Professional
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Coparing and contrasting two literary works and two literary periods Essay
Coparing and contrasting two literary works and two literary periods in which they were written - Essay Example His life in Paris made him write more about the French Revolution. The literary period which Voltaire referred to was the Enlightenment period and his works received several critical acclaims. In contrast to this, Fyodor Dostoevsky was a contemporary writer who was a Russian novelist. Dostoevsky concentrated on the philosophical and moral aspects of the society. Dostoevsky referred to the realism and symbolism period. This was completely different form that of Voltaire’s thoughts and works. The 18th century was also known as the Enlightenment period. The reason was French Revolution and it had a greater influence of the lives of the people in France. The period of Enlightenment popularized the conceptualities of the French Revolution and it was named as the Age of Reason. It was then the people had the ability to realize what was happening around them and in their country. But the period of Realism was in complete contrast with that of Enlightenment period. The period of 19th century was named as a period of Realism and certain literature works name it as symbolism too. Realism focused on the realistic happenings of the 19th century. Till then the concept of supernatural power and sentiment ruled the country and these were considered as the important elements of the century. Realism revived this and literary writers contributed o this change by releasing books that imparted knowledge of the real world and this made people to realize the simplicity and truth behind a co mmon man’s life. This became a rage as this was completely new to the people of Russia. Enlightenment and Realism imparted different aspects to the people and the world. Writers like Voltaire and Dostoevsky worked hard to help the public realize the seriousness of life and the problems behind every change. Most of the literary works represent a specific incident or a specific revolution. Each of these works focus on the period which
Austrian Economics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Austrian Economics - Research Paper Example The second prime objective of Menger was to prove that this explanation of commodity-price-formation is not only general but also abstract. The purpose of this explanation was also to correct the German Historical School, which suggests that there are no such universal economic laws that are applicable across different cultures, times and nations. They rejected the â€Å"Manchester School’s†requisition on global free trade in view of the universal relevance of the comparative edge (Mises, 1969). Menger being a supporter the rich empirical research of the historicists debated that the economic goods’ properties are based on the general theoretical investigation. He also dedicated his book to Wilhelm Roscher who was a renowned historicist. The Historical School’s younger members did not support Menger’s argument. The subsequent argument to this  characterized the methodenstreit or dispute over procedures  followed that the historicist s started to refer Menger and his supporters as the â€Å"Austrian School,†that signifies their mediocrity in comparison to the genuinely German approach (Bostaph, 1994; Caldwell, 2004; Mises, 1969). Although the Historical School applied adequate impact on the German Universities and thereby, took them to the twentieth century however it is the insights of the Austrian School that marked an impact on the remaining professions in other parts of the world. The discussions by Menger in relation to subsiding marginal utility, scarcity, and Robinson Crusoe economies were naturally knitted into the surfacing marginalist consensus. Similarly, the students of Menger, Friedrich Wieser and Eugen Bohm-Bawerk made significant contributions to the principle concept, Wieser for introducing the terminology â€Å"opportunity cost†and Bohm-Bawerk for his coining the time preference discussion (White, 2003). The Austrians had differences with the others, particularly when Marshall re established the production-cost-concept as one blade of a pair of scissors that evaluate price whereas the marginal utility being the other blade of these scissors. However, these were just minor disputes under a wider consensus. Although both F.A. Hayek and Ludwig von Mises followed the tradition of Menger however by the time they were internationally recognized they were just economists and did not require any â€Å"Austrian†label. Since that point of time, the â€Å"Austrian School†simply became a term of historical significance. Nevertheless, the affiliation with the mainstream of the profession continued. The argument related to socialist calculation disclosed the deep, fundamental gulf that distinguishes the Austrians from the neoclassical orthodoxy, which commenced, in 1920, with the publication of â€Å"Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth†by Mises (1935). According to Mises, the socialist planners, without money prices, would miss-out a common denominator for calculating the effectiveness of alternative uses of resources and hence, would be unable to get involved in rational economic calculation. The socialist-economists retorted with the market socialism theory, the concept that the socialist planners could employ the centrally controlled accounting prices and systems of equations as an alternate for market exchange. Hayek and Mises retorted by pointing out that the market socialists basically misinterpreted the issue, but to no benefit. All Professional
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Enrollment System Essay Example for Free
Enrollment System Essay This chapter contains discussions on the methods and procedures that will be used in conducting the study. It will describe the respondents’ profile, the population and sampling techniques, the data gathering procedure to be employed, the statistical treatment to be used in treating data gathered. Research Design This study will make use of the descriptive method of research employing quantitative and qualitative approaches. Quantitatively, it will seek to describe the respondents’ reason for the stay of faculty members in private institution and hypothesized the significant differences based on variables identified in the study such as salary, benefits, working environment, supervision and work itself. In addition, the study will qualitatively describe the experiences and reasons why faculty members stay long in the institution to supplement the answers given in the survey questionnaires. This is done through interview using the guide question formulated prior to the conduct of the interview. Population and Sampling There are about 114 instructor/faculty members and they will all be taken as respondents for the quantitative part of the study. For the qualitative part of the study at least 10 instructors of the subject private institution will be interviewed as co-researchers or informants. Research Locale PATTS College of Aeronautics has been in existence for 42 years. It is reputedly the country’s Number One Aeronautical College today. It was founded in 1969 then known as the Philippine Air Transport and Training Services a joint venture of Filipino and American pioneers in aviation. The primary aim was to establish a manufacturing and assembly plant for training aircrafts. The secondary aim was to put up an aeronautical school to meet the needs of the air transportation industry, domestic or international. The unfavorable investment climate then prevailing at that time constrained the founders to drop the first objective and proceed to the second which is to organize and operate an aeronautical school intended to provide the best professional and technical training to its clients. Thus the PATTS School of Aeronautics was conformably born. The school started with One-Year Airframe Mechanic, Two-Year Airframe Mechanic, and One year Power Plant Mechanic and Two-Year Power Plant Mechanic Courses. In its second year of operation the Communication Technician Course ( Avionics) and the four-year Aeronautical Engineering Course were added. Under the excellent stewardship of the Board of Directors, the school rose to higher levels of credit and standard when its BS Aeronautical Engineering graduates continuous topped the PRC’s Licensure Board Examination for Aeronautical Engineers since its inception in 1983. Thus the tradition of excellence continued. Indeed, successful school operation had its fruits. In 1989, the school attained college status. PATTS School metamorphosed into a bigger educational institution known as PATTS College of Aeronautics, adapting as its slogan â€Å"Fly high, your future is in the skies†In 2005 the greatest transformation coincided with PATTS 36th Foundation Anniversary. This refers to the transfer of PATTS College of Aeronautics from its old site Domestic Airport Road, Pasay City to its new home at Lombos Avenue, San Isidro, Paraá ¿â€ aque City.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Personal Development: Strategic Manager
Personal Development: Strategic Manager Introduction The concept of personal development covers a wider field than self-development or self-help. Personal development also includes developing others. This may be a function within the role of teacher or mentor, a personal competency (such as a managers ability to develop the potential of employees), or as a professional service (such as providing training, assessment or coaching). Strategic development in many organizations is viewed as a process for determining where an organization is going over the next year or more -typically 3 to 5 years, although some extend their vision to 20 years. In order to determine where it is going, the organization needs to know exactly where it stands, then determine where it wants to go and how it will get there. The resulting document is called the strategic plan. It is also true that strategic planning may be a tool for effectively plotting the direction of a company; however, strategic planning itself cannot foretell exactly how the market will evolve and what issues will surface in the coming days in order to plan your organizational strategy. Therefore, strategic innovation and tinkering with the strategic plan have to be a cornerstone strategy for an organization to survive the turbulent business climate. This assignment covers the personal development plan as a manager in TESCO organization. The study focuses on the personal development as a strategic manager. Here several issues such as identification of personal skills, ability to manage personal leadership development, evaluation of effectiveness of leadership development program and the ability to develop healthy and safe environment are studied. 1. Identification of Personal Skills Personal development plays an important role in propelling the company towards its strategic direction. This development is not only required during the implementation stage but also in the formulation stage. Strategic direction of the organisation Strategic direction is an organizations process of defining its strategy, or planning, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people. Various business analysis techniques can be used in strategic planning, including SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats ) and PEST analysis(Political, Economic, Social, and Technological analysis) or STEER analysis (Socio-cultural, Technological, Economic, Ecological, and Regulatory factors) and EPISTEL (Environment, Political, Informatics, Social, Technological, Economic and Legal) Strategic planning is the formal consideration of an organizations future course. All strategic planning deals with at least one of three key questions; What do we do? For whom do we do it? How do we excel? In many organizations, this is viewed as a process for determining where an organization is going over the next year or more -typically 3 to 5 years, although some extend their vision to 20 years. In order to determine where it is going, the organization needs to know exactly where it stands, then determine where it wants to go and how it will get there. The resulting document is called the strategic plan. It is also true that strategic planning may be a tool for effectively plotting the direction of a company; however, strategic planning itself cannot foretell exactly how the market will evolve and what issues will surface in the coming days in order to plan your organizational strategy. Therefore, strategic innovation and tinkering with the strategic plan have to be a cornerstone strategy for an organization to survive the turbulent business climate. Organizations sometimes set the direction by summarizing goals and objectives into a mission statement and/or a vision statement: A Mission statement tells you the fundamental purpose of the organization. It concentrates on the present. It defines the customer and the critical processes. It informs you of the desired level of performance. A Vision statement outlines what the organization wants to be. It concentrates on the future. It is a source of inspiration. It provides clear decision-making criteria. Strategic skills required of the leader to achieve the strategic ambitions The leaders possessed certain degree of management skills inculcated during their years of experience in business. But leadership is beyond just management skills. The leaders prepare organizations for change and help them cope as they struggle through it. While management is about coping with complexity, leadership is coping with change While Managing comprises planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing, controlling and problem solving, Leadership comprises setting a direction, developing a vision of the future and aligning motivating and inspiring people (Kotter. 2001) Strategic skill is the ability to make excellent strategic decisions, and implement them effectively is one of the most significant leadership skills. Here are five strategic skills we can use to stretch and strengthen our organisation. The following diagram defines the strategic skills required of the leader to achieve the strategic ambitions; 1. Use scenario planning First, identify the variables that create the highest risks and opportunities for your company. Then imagine the extremes positive and negative that could happen for each of these critical variables. Next, push your imagination further. Envision much more positive and much more negative circumstances than originally came to mind for each critical variable. Now, having stretched your sense of what might happen by envisioning extreme alternatives, choose a few scenarios that you think are most likely to happen. Then, choose the most likely scenario. You may find it valuable to gather data to help you hone and verify your instincts about your choice. Finally, consider what actions you would take for the scenario you think is most likely. Also consider actions youd need to take if some of the other also-likely scenarios happened, rather than the one on which youre placing your bets. 2. Design for the solution after this one The strategy you choose now, and the actions you take, as a result, will affect the future. That could prevent or solve future problems, and it could also create other problems. To minimize the negative impacts of the strategy you choose, imagine when your company may need to choose its next strategic direction, whether in 5, 10 or more years. Envision your strategic choices now fitting into the choices that must be made then. See if that perspective changes the strategic choices you planned to make now. 3. Learn and practice games of strategy This idea doesnt need a lot of elaboration. Learn and practice leads to experience of the managers. This alternatively helps in improving the personal skills of manager. 4. Learn from the masters Choose a few people who are or were legendary for their strategic abilities, whether in your field or another one. Read about them, watch documentaries and learn from other resources about their work, thought process and achievements. What did they do that enabled them to be so successful and strategic in the way they worked? Find ways to apply what you learned to your own work and strategic challenges. 5. Create the time and space so you can think strategically A big part of strategic success is carving out the time and space so your strategic skills can be tapped. You must get away from the day-to-day to be able to fully see the big picture, to anticipate issues well before they become problems, and to recognize great opportunities and how you can make the most of them. Create the time and space regularly so that strategy and strategic skills can emerge, be implemented, and improve, as needed, as you move ahead. Relationship between existing, required and future skills to achieve the strategic ambitions The owners had the operational skills to certain extent. But the required skills were more of leadership. If the vision is set, the skills required for meeting the vision are the future skills to achieve strategic ambitions. While management is about coping with complexity, leadership is coping with change. The important skill in leadership is setting the direction through the inductive process of gathering broad range of data and looking for patterns, relationships and linkages. This direction setting will result in vision and strategies. The leaders should ensure alignment of the team with vision through communication. Alignment will lead to empowerment and goal congruence. Good leaders should coach, provide feedback and role models. They should recognize and reward success. Leadership hinges on strong networks of informal relationships. They should create a culture of leadership by recruitment of people with potential and managing their career patterns (Kotter, 2001). According to Daniel Goleman emotional intelligence would be the most important ingredient for a leader. When the he calculated the ratio of technical skills, IQ and emotional intelligence as ingredients of excellent performance, emotional intelligence proved to be twice as important as the others for jobs at all levels. This had direct link to performance. His research further showed that emotional intelligence played an increasingly important role at the highest levels of the company. There was also a close link between companys success and the emotional intelligence of its leaders. Therefore, the company in order to prosper in future should focus on developing emotional intelligence amongst top echelons in the company. Personal leadership development to support achievement of strategic ambitions The organizations are supplied with opportunities to support leadership development. The opportunities can be categorized into hardships, challenging assignments, learning from others and other events. Leadership lessons are obtained most during hardships and challenging assignments. Leadership development refers to any activity that enhances the quality of leadership within an individual or organization. Anybody can become a member of management if they know the right people and say the right things at the right time. But not everybody can be a leader. A manager or boss is somebody with a certain organizational title that heads or oversees a select group of employees. A leader, on the other hand, is somebody with that same title who commands and receives respect from the employees he or she oversees. What is that difference and how can you make that transition from manager to leader? The opportunities to support leadership development There are many different sources of information and advice to help the managers to improve the leadership and management skills in the organization of TESCO. The most appropriate will depend on the managers individual needs. Following opportunities and supports are available to managers for the personal development plan. These are; Train to Gain: Leadership and Management Advisory Service This innovative Leadership and Management programme will help to equip the managers with the skills to become a more effective leader. A leadership and management broker will help managers to diagnose their skills needs and those of their management team and put together individual development plans. They will offer bespoke guidance on how to consolidate existing skills and improve in areas that will fast track personal development and ultimately boost the performance and competitiveness of their business. LEAD LEAD is a 10 month leadership programme designed specifically for owner-managers of businesses with less than 20 employees. It has a proven track record in delivering business growth for its delegates 90% of businesses that have attended LEAD over the last 4 years have reported a significant increase in sales turnover as a result of attending the programme. The programme works by taking a very practical approach to both the development of the business and to the personal development of the owner-manager. LEAD tackles practical issues that owner-managers are facing in running their business rather than focusing on theoretical concepts and as a result has a direct impact on the growth of delegates businesses. High Growth Coaching Programme The High Growth programme is a three year business coaching initiative aimed at high growth businesses and entrepreneurs. It will support budding entrepreneurs with ideas that can achieve a turnover of  £500,000 within three years, and established small and medium sized enterprises with ambition and capacity to expand by at least 20 per cent a year. The Mentoring Programme Mentoring for Northwest Businesses offers business owners, leaders and managers the chance to develop and fully realise their potential through a long term mentoring relationship. Networking This is another important type of skill development for business owners and directors. A wide variety of business networks exists including those for new businesses, young owners and women owners. These allow employees to learn from people running similar businesses and facing similar obstacles. Professional bodies All the following professional bodies offer leadership and management development courses and opportunities: Chartered Management Institute (CMI) is the only chartered professional body that is dedicated to management and leadership. It is committed to raising the performance of businesses of all sizes by championing management. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) is the professional body for those involved in the management and development of people. Construction of personal development plan to direct leadership development The Personal Development Plan would focus on two facets of leadership development. The first is the managerial aspect and the other is the leadership aspect. Though the traditional management model includes leadership under management, many management gurus have propounded theories which focus on leadership. The area of managing comprises Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling. These activities will enable the person to manage complexities. The most important aspect is that of leadership, which would demand tremendous amount of emotional intelligence. The managing encompasses the appreciation of process, seeks stability and control and instinctively tries to resolve problems far too quickly. Leadership, in contrast emphasizes on tolerance to chaos and lack of structure and willingness to delay closure in order to understand the issues more fully. Leadership inevitably requires using power to influence the thoughts and actions of other people. In terms of personality, manager i s a problem solver with emphasis on rationality and control. Leadership is a practical effort to direct affairs and to fulfill his or her task. In terms of attitude towards goals, Managers tend to adopt impersonal, if not passive, attitudes. In sharp contrast, the leaders are proactive in shaping the ideas instead of responding to them. They adopt a personal and active attitude towards goals. Implementation process for the development plan The implementation process would have a mechanism. This mechanism will not only lay down the program but also will ensure the employee to go through it. In the first phase, the candidate will go through the concepts of planning, organizing, leading and controlling. The development plan in the area of planning would cover the process of identifying and selecting appropriate organizational goals and courses of action. The development in the area of organizing would cover creation of a structure of working relationships that allow organizational members to interact and cooperate to achieve organizational goals. Leading would involve articulating a clear organizational vision for its members to accomplish, and energize and enable employees so that everyone understands the part they play in achieving organizational goals. Controlling is the task of managers is to evaluate how well an organization has achieved its goals and to take any corrective actions needed to maintain or improve performance. The outcome of the control process is the ability to measure performance accurately and regulate organizational efficiency and effectiveness. The development plan would then focus on enhancing the emotional intelligence of the candidate. The components of emotional intelligence are; Self Awareness, Self Regulation, Motivation, Empathy and Social Skill. While all other skills are not normally appreciated, social skills gets recognition as a key skill for a leader. Emotional skills can be learnt through well structured training. The effectiveness of the leadership development plan Assessment of the achievement of outcomes of the plan against original objectives The original objectives were to develop the skill to plan, organize, lead and control. Further it was to enhance each component of the emotional intelligence. The outcomes were quantified in terms of the number of people exposed to the training period. These development programs would result in tangible improvement in performance parameters with a lag. Therefore outcomes were categorized into two categories; the outcomes and performance drivers. The performance drivers would result in outcomes. Assessment of only the outcomes will not help in ensuring the implementation. Since outcomes have already happened, there is no way to alter them. On the other hand monitoring of performance drivers would give valuable insights that would help in formulating mid-course corrections. Every year the number of man-hours of development in terms of each of the areas of development, which are Planning, Organizing, Leading and controlling is targeted. Similarly the number of people trained in emotional intelligence in areas of Self Awareness, Self Regulation, Motivation, Empathy and Social Skill is recorded. Tests were conducted periodically to assess the progress. A 360 degree assessment by people from different functional areas is done continually and plotted to see the growth. Statistical methods are used to assess the spread and standard deviation among the candidates. The development program would be thought to be extended, if the candidate does not show improvement. The impact of the achievement of objectives on strategic ambitions The strategic ambitions are framed in the form of a vision statement. The statement of vision was The Company will be a global conglomerate with dominance in the chosen field of endeavor. In this context, the objectives of the company were: To be a market leader in each business pursued To be an ideal employer with attrition below 10% To be profitable company with margin on sales exceeding 15% To conform to ethical practices of business To ensure maximum return to shareholders with return on equity exceeding 15% To ensure the growth of business of over 20% per annum To ensure succession plan for every leadership position in the company To be proactive on environmental issues. The development of managerial skills and leadership skills are crucial for the fulfillment of objectives. Unless leaders were developed in each functional area, it would be impossible to achieve the objectives. By focusing on the implementation of objectives through proper strategies and also monitoring through a suitable mechanism, we can move fast towards the vision of the stakeholders. Review and update leadership development plan Research on the most admired companies reports that top organizations take aggressive, innovative approaches to improve leadership at all levels by focusing on the following: Disciplined leadership assessments and selection Intensive leadership development programs that address individual needs and the organizations strategic goals Values that emphasize the importance of people as well as financial results Leadership models that include such attributes as self confidence and self control, achievement orientation, empathy, and teamwork components of emotional intelligence The career paths and leadership is shown in the following diagram. The leadership development plan would be reviewed at every stage in the career path culminating in leadership. Periodic reviews take place every quarter. While technical competencies are inculcated till the middle management levels, the training in styles of leadership is provided as inputs after the middle managerial levels. The reviews would focus on the extent of technical competencies absorbed by the employee up to a certain stage. Later the emotional quotient of the individual is assessed to make sure whether the person is ready to don the leadership role. The emotional quotient is measured to see the improvement over a quarter. If no improvement is found, the curriculum of training is modified to make it more effective. Here the assessment of the candidate by people from different functional areas at various levels is considered to arrive at a measure of leadership capability. Promoting Healthy and Safe environment that supports a culture of quality Impact of Corporate and Individual health and safety responsibilities on the organization Corporate and Individual health and Safety is one of the most important ingredients of an organization. This is not an event but a process. It is being inculcated that safety is not just the corporate responsibility, but the responsibility of everyone in the organization. The promotion of this aspect demands substantial cooperation between employers and employees in initiating, developing and carrying out measures to enhance the health and safety of employees at work. All these form a part of the Corporate and Individual health and safety policy in the company. In order to ensure an accident free environment in the company, a mechanism needs to be instituted. This mechanism should monitor the safety practices within the company. The parameters that would be monitored are; number of accidents, absences due to injury and insurance premium. The routines would be developed to control hazards which would be in consonance with regulations and standards. An objective should be the promotion of co-operation between employers and employees in initiating, developing and carrying out measures to ensure the health and safety at work of employees. The accidents could be due to unsafe acts, omissions or unsafe conditions. The company should monitor with data on accidents, diseases, near misses and the trends. Analysis of this data would enable risk assessment and also redesign or reengineering of processes to make them safer Ways to promote healthy and safe environment in the work place At the outset, it is necessary to draw the attention of the employees to the importance of health and safety to the individual and the organization. Suitable posters and regular mails are necessary to keep alive the spirit of health and safety in the organization. There is a need to have a manual on safe and healthy practices integrated into System of operations. It is necessary to convene regular meetings to impress upon the employees and also to monitor the success of action plans to promote safety and health. A proper organizational setup for safety and health depending upon the size of the organization is a must. It must be headed by a safety officer. He may or may not have an elaborate setup. The top managements commitment should be communicated strongly with the CEO occasionally attending the safety meetings. The existing employees should be constantly reminded about the importance of health and safety. The new entrants to the company should be imparted training in safety and h ealth as a part of the induction program. Estimation of organization culture of quality on the achievement of strategic ambitions: There are four types of cultural orientations which represent different values about motivation, leadership and strategic orientation in organizations. But normally an organization reflects a combination of the four cultural orientations. These four cultural orientations do not exclude each other and the relative emphasis placed by the organization on the orientations varies. The group culture focuses on flexibility and internal integration. Organizations Emphasizing a group culture tend to value belongingness, trust and participation. The strategies used in these organizations concentrate on the development of human relations and member commitment. The leaders encourage teamwork, empowerment and concerns for employee ideas. The developmental culture emphasizes flexibility and external orientation. Organizations with emphasis on this cultural orientation tend to focus on growth, resource acquisition, creativity, and adaptation to the external environment. The strategies used to manage business include innovation, resource acquisition, and the development of new market. Leadership styles in such organizations are entrepreneur and innovator-type. The rational culture is focused on the external environment and control. Organizations with emphasis on a rational culture encourage competition and the successful achievement of well-defined goals. The strategies are oriented toward efficient planning and control of production to achieve competitive advantages and high productivity. The leaders tend to be directive, goal-oriented, and functional. The hierarchical culture emphasizes stability and internal integration. It stresses centralization and regulations. The strategies emphasize clear rules, close control, and routinization. The leaders are conservative and cautious. (Xingxing Zu et al, 2006) But in the company under study, the prevalent culture was hierarchical. In various studies by different researchers, it was found that group culture and development culture, two cultural orientations which emphasize flexibility and people in their underlying values, are commonly believed to be the ideal cultural orientations for implementing quality management programs. Conclusion Every organization has a vision or picture of what it desires for its future, whether foggy or crystal clear. The current mission of the organization or the purpose for its existence is also understood in general terms. The organization under study began as an apparel exporter and later diversified into various unrelated areas. These areas did not provide synergy to the existing businesses. Due to recession, all the businesses ran into losses. The leaders in the organization were found to be lacking strategic skills to meet the strategic ambitions. A leadership development program was launched with emphasis on twin areas of management and leadership. While Managing comprises planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing, controlling and problem solving, Leadership comprises setting a direction, developing a vision of the future and aligning motivating and inspiring people. The development plan would also focus on enhancing the emotional intelligence of the candidate. The components of emotional intelligence are; Self Awareness, Self Regulation, Motivation, Empathy and Social Skill. While all other skills are not normally appreciated, social skills gets recognition as a key skill for a leader. Emotional skills can be learnt through well structured training. The organizations are replete with opportunities to support leadership development. The opportunities can be categorized into hardships, challenging assignments, learning from others and other events. In the midst of opportunities a personal development plan was formulated so also an implementation plans. This was also reviewed and updated. The evaluation was also done about the impact of corporate and individual health and safety and also on the support received by quality.
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