Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Riba & Its Types
Riba' The word â€Å"Riba†implies overabundance, increment or expansion, which accurately deciphered by Shariah phrasing, suggests any abundance remuneration without due (thought does exclude time estimation of cash). Kinds of Riba: 1. Riba' AnNisi'ah: This is the specified intrigue which the loan specialist takes from the borrower in light of the time given to the borrower to take care of the capital. It is HARAM dependent on the Quran and the Sunnah and the accord of Muslim researchers. . Riba' Al Fadl:â This applies to deal (trading one product for another), whereâ wares of a similar sort are traded in inconsistent sums, particularly the trading of valuable metals and groceries, it is HARAM, by the Sunnah and the concensus of researchers; as it makes ready for Riba' nNasi'ah. Various ahadith have exhibited the restriction as to gold, silver, wheat, grain, dates, and salt. The Prophet sallaAllahu ‘alayhi wa sellem stated, â€Å"Gold for gold, and silver for silver, and wheat for wheat, and grain for grain, and dates for dates, and salt for salt, as for like, equivalent for equivalent, from hand to hand (the exchange must be finished before the different sides leave one another). Be that as it may, in the event that the sorts are unique, at that point sell as you wish, as long as it is hand to hand. †â (Muslim) The Prophet sallaAllahu ‘alayhi wa sellem likewise stated, â€Å"Whoever gives more or requests more (than what he gave) submits a demonstration of Riba', the given and the taken are equal (in the wrongdoing). (Muslim) The Prophet sallaAllahu ‘alayhi wa sellem stated, â€Å"Prohibited selling food (of a similar assortment) aside from proportionate in weight and hand to hand. †(Muslim) â€Å"Do not sell gold for gold except if comparable in weight (and from hand to hand), and don't sell less sum for more promin ent sum or the other way around, and don't sell silver for silver except if identical in weight (and from hand to hand), and don't sell less sum for more noteworthy sum or the other way around and don't sell gold or silver that is absent right now of trade for gold or silver that is available. †â (settled upon) To loan a bank cash or get from it on the state of an installment of a fixed yearly or month to month rate pace of premium, state 2%, or pretty much, is a type of PROHIBITED RIBA'. â€Å"†¦ while Allah has allowed exchanging and prohibited Riba' (usury)†¦ †â 2:275 Poverty isn't a reason for Riba'. Mudaraba: which is a type of association where one individual puts away cash and the different contributes his aptitude and exertion, and they share the benefit or loss of the endeavor, so Islam didn't force any difficulty on the individuals (by restricting Riba') yet rather it gave them a reasonable option in contrast to it, among them are the accompanying: . Qard Hasan (a lovely credit): Istead of a Muslim advancing his cash on premium which causes contamination and scourge on the entirety of his property and mistreats the borrower, Islam urges him to make the advance Qard Hasan, and guaranteed him a benevolent award for it;â Allah stated, â€Å"Who would he say he i s that will loan to Allah a goodly advance with the goal that Her may duplicate it to him commonly? †â 2:245 2. Giving an augmentation to an individual who can't reimburse the credit on time due to money related trouble, until he recovers financially. What's more, Islam urges the bank to pardon the credit out and out in this circumstance;â Allah stated, â€Å"And on the off chance that the account holder is in a tough time (has no cash), at that point award him time till it is simple for him to reimburse, yet on the off chance that you transmit it by method of good cause, that is better for you on the off chance that you did yet know. †2:280 3. Common Aid definitely: This incorporates shared guide on a social level, in industry and in agribusiness, and government disability by financing ranchers and industrialists and experts so as to empower them to create successfully. This profits an advantage to the entire Ummah. Additionally, opening schools and buidling emergency clinics and homes for the old and the crippled and every other thing the same fall under the common guide referenced in the verse†¦ â€Å"†¦ help you each other in Al Birr and atTaqwa (prudence, uprightness and piety);†¦ †â 5:2â   The society which understands these methods will continue, in the shade of this far reaching shared guide, joyfully and far expelled from the misery of Riba'. . We ought not overlook the installment of Zakat to the individuals who merit it. This will majorly affect disposing of Riba'. BEWARE: from placing your cash in a *nonIslamic bank*. Regardless of whether you don't take enthusiasm on it, the bank takes your cash and credits it out to pick up premium. So you are helping the Riba' framework, and are in a roundabout way dependable and be careful from taking credits from those banks.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Guess, Inc. Free Essays
string(128) to tuning in and reacting to the necessities of our clients, partners and colleagues, and respect their individual value. Speculation? , Inc. What began as a little family claimed pants boutique has thrived into a worldwide way of life brand. Estimate? , Inc. We will compose a custom exposition test on Speculation, Inc. or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now as of now structures, showcases, disperses, and licenses a main way of life assortment of contemporary attire and extras for men, ladies, and kids that reflect the American way of life, while getting a handle on European style sensibilities. While the establishment of Guess, Inc. ’s history and monstrous achievement can be credited to their foundations in the offer of pants, Guess, Inc. has now extended universally, giving licenses for the assembling and dispersion of a full line of item classes. Estimate, Inc. perates in 87 nations, with most of the stores in the U. S. furthermore, Canada. Starting at 2010, Guess has 1292 stores, 504 in North America, 441 in Europe, and 347 in South East Asia (Breif History of the Company and the Marciano Brothers). The organization has concurrences with 17 licensees. All through the previous 30 years, Guess, Inc. has bent over backward to keep up their status as a worldwide wonder. History CEO and Chairman, Maurice Marciano, and Co-Chairman,  Paul Marciano The encapsulation of a fruitful privately-owned company, Guess, Inc was established in 1981 by the four Marciano siblings, Georges, Armand, Paul, and Maurice (Guess? Inc. ). They came outfitted with involvement with the style business, having recently claimed and worked a chain of twelve retail locations in France (Guess, Inc. ). The siblings moved to California from Marseilles, France in 1977, where Guess was conceived, beginning as a little pants organization. Georges Marciano was the creator of the pants, and the siblings gave them the name â€Å"Guess†as they accepted that word to be anything but difficult to articulate because of their constrained English (Guess, Inc. ). The company’s unique pants were imaginative for now is the ideal time, stone-washed, made to fit firmly, and included zippers at the lower legs. They considered this the â€Å"Marilyn Jean†(Guess, Inc. ), and the style satisfied its name, with a hot, one of a kind style and disposition. They had a milder vibe and lighter hues than ordinary denim pants. They additionally highlighted the great Guess triangle on the back pocket, which would before long become the unmistakable Guess trademark. Accepting emphatically in his family’s jean business, Georges traveled to New York, and persuaded Bloomingdale’s to show 30 sets of his European-style pants on credit in the Bloomingdale’s lead New York store (Guess, Inc. ). Inside three hours, Bloomingdale’s sold out each pair. Interest for the pants before long soar, and the siblings would end up overpowered. Despite the fact that he had no past publicizing experience, the siblings designated Paul Marciano as their promoting executive, in anticipation of growing their capital. This end up being uncontrollably fruitful, as Paul would structure an advertisement battle that would change the manner in which pants and other attire were sold. Looking to take an alternate course from the average studio structure, Paul brought the models and the pants outside, utilizing grainy highly contrasting photography. He had the models flaunt the pants utilizing provocative stances, which would later be depicted by Forbes Magazine as â€Å"catering to high school longings for sex, force, consideration, and self-love†¦electric with sexuality, yet with an understood mercilessness and exhibitionism too. †(GUESS INC (NYSE: GES) | Balance Sheet). These dubious promotions would rapidly make an easily recognized name for Guess. Before the finish of 1982, their pants delivered about $12 million in income (Guess, Inc. ). Throughout the following 15 years, Guess would develop from an organization of 30 of pants, to an internationally enhanced billion-dollar domain. Fights in court Overwhelmed by their expanding expenses to create, the Marciano siblings looked for an answer for extend their capital and access less expensive outside work. In July 1983, they consented to an arrangement with the Nakash siblings of the organization Jordache which would qualifies the Nakash siblings for half responsibility for, Inc. in return for $4. 8 million, just as the utilization of Jordache’s Hong Kong producing plants (Guess, Inc. ). This arrangement additionally authorized Jordache to create another line of pants, entitled Gasoline, utilizing portions of Guess structures in a lower-estimated line. Be that as it may, Guess committed an error in placing their trust in the Nakash siblings, and fail to give composed confirmations in the consent to secure each organization against making thump off’s of each other’s structures. This mix-up would before long cause issues down the road for them, in their greatest fight in court to date. The Marcianos sued the Nakash siblings on charges of uncalled for rivalry, blaming them for utilizing their situation on the Guess top managerial staff and their entrance to Guess structures in the Hong King plant to deliver dress in their Jordache line that were away from of Guess plans. In the suit, the Marcianos looked to invalid the 1983 understanding that had given Nakashes responsibility for of (Guess, Inc. ). This fight would proceed for the following five years, in the long run finishing with the two arrangements of siblings privately addressing any remaining issues, and the Marcianos recovering full control of the business. Assessed lawyer expenses were as high as $10 million every year for each side (Guess, Inc. ). This was a revolting fight in court that cost Guess Inc. a pointless measure of assets. 1982 additionally purchased a littler fight in court with Jeff Hamilton, Inc. Conjecture tried to enter the menswear showcase by acquiring an authorizing concurrence with this organization. Under this understanding, Jeff Hamilton, Inc would showcase a line of dress under the Guess name in return for a 7% sovereignty charge (Guess, Inc. ). In any case, Guess before long concluded that Hamilton was focusing on the youthful men’s advertise too unequivocally, and didn't favor of Hamilton’s â€Å"dumping†of Guess stock in huge markdown stores, which was harming the label’s top of the line picture. Estimate tried to end the permit understanding, which they in the end prevailing with regards to doing in 1986. This broad fight in court brought about a moderate development for Guess menswear. Showcasing Promotional Strategies Guess is sponsored by their corporate statement of purpose; â€Å"At Guess, we are focused on being an overall head in the style business. We will convey items and administrations of firm quality and respectability steady with our image and our picture. We are focused on tuning in and reacting to the necessities of our clients, partners and colleagues, and respect their individual worth. You read Speculation, Inc. in classification Papers We are committed to individual and expert improvement through a situation of open correspondence, innovativeness, collaboration, trust, and regard. We keep on offering back to the network, bolster mankind, and secure the earth as a major aspect of our duty. We stay focused on an innovative soul that fills the development of our Company and expanded investor esteem. Through principled authority we will grasp decent variety, develop quality, pride and enthusiasm to adjust our own life and our expert life. (The Guess Mission Statement). The objective client for Guess is a youthful, wealthy grown-up, between the ages of 18 and 32. Supposition bends over backward to live by this statement of purpose each day, and utilizations an assortment of imaginative advertising and limited time methodologies to additionally allure the objective client to buy Guess items. The statement of purpose is executed regularly in Guess, Inc’s corporate technique, which centers around the long haul. Theo ry is a worldwide organization known for their quality, pattern setting styles, and showcasing imagination. In understanding the significance of assorted variety, and consumers’ needs to continually have something new, Guess never neglects to present new items and pictures to keep their name alive. While initially picking up force with their pants, Guess now makers and circulates a wide scope of product offerings. Once understanding their prosperity, in the 80’s, the Marciano siblings chose to build their latent capacity, and grow past men’s and women’s pants. Infant GUESS? , GUESS? watches, GUESS? footwear, GUESS? eyewear, and GUESS? scents were presented. Wishing to proceed with their extension, Guess presented significantly more items in the late 90’s, including a whole assortment of GUESS totes, dynamic wear, gems, swimwear, innerwear, calfskin, belts, neckwear, and men’s works of art (CITE-yearly report). Around the thousand years, Guess presented their site, opening the organization to an entire other universe of potential. Theory works in 6 distinctive store ideas trying to speak to a wide range of business sectors. The first GUESS? retail locations convey a full combination of full-evaluated Guess items, including men’s and women’s stock, and authorized items. Conjecture? industrial facility outlet stores are essentially situated in outlet shopping centers, and sell a select collection of men’s and women’s clothing and authorized items at lower value focuses. Supposition by MARCIANO stores were presented in the mid year of 2004 (GUESS INC (NYSE: GES) | Balance Sheet), trying to recover the company’s spectacular picture. The Marciano chain offers attire and extras that are provocative, yet complex. The objective market for these stores is marginally more established clients inspired by better quality apparel and embellishments, for example, lavish night dresses and extravagant pants. G by GUESS stores offers Guess items at a lower value point than Guess retail locations, so as to focus on a more extensive segment. These stores convey attire for people, just as a full line of extras and footwear. Items I
Saturday, August 1, 2020
The lost wallet, a great love story!
The lost wallet, a great love story! As I walked home one freezing day, I stumbled on a wallet someone had lost in the street. I picked it up and looked inside to find some identification so I could call the owner. But the wallet contained only three dollars and a crumpled letter that looked as if it had been in there for years.The envelope was worn and the only thing that was legible on it was the return address. I started to open the letter, hoping to find some clue. Then I saw the dateline1924. The letter had been written almost 60 years ago.It was written in a beautiful feminine handwriting on powder blue stationery with a little flower in the left-hand corner. It was a Dear John letter that told the recipient, whose name appeared to be Michael, that the writer could not see him anymore because her mother forbade it. Even so, she wrote that she would always love him. It was signed, Hannah.It was a beautiful letter, but there was no way except for the name Michael, that the owner could be identified. Maybe if I call ed information, the operator could find a phone listing for the address on the envelope.Operator, I began, this is an unusual request. Im trying to find the owner of a wallet that I found. Is there anyway you can tell me if there is a phone number for an address that was on an envelope in the wallet?She suggested I speak with her supervisor, who hesitated for a moment then said, Well, there is a phone listing at that address, but I cant give you the number. She said, as a courtesy, she would call that number, explain my story and would ask them if they wanted her to connect me.I waited a few minutes and then she was back on the line. I have a party who will speak with you.I asked the woman on the other end of the line if she knew anyone by the name of Hannah. She gasped, Oh! We bought this house from a family who had a daughter named Hannah. But that was 30 years ago!Would you know where that family could be located now? I asked.I remember that Hannah had to place her mother in a nu rsing home some years ago, the woman said. Maybe if you got in touch with them they might be able to track down the daughter.She gave me the name of the nursing home and I called the number. They told me the old lady had passed away some years ago but they did have a phone number for where they thought the daughter might be living.I thanked them and phoned. The woman who answered explained that Hannah herself was now living in a nursing home.This whole thing was stupid, I thought to myself. Why was I making such a big deal over finding the owner of a wallet that had only three dollars and a letter that was almost 60 years old?Nevertheless, I called the nursing home in which Hannah was supposed to be living and the man who answered the phone told me, Yes, Hannah is staying with us.Even though it was already 10 p.m., I asked if I could come by to see her. Well, he said hesitatingly, if you want to take a chance, she might be in the day room watching television.I thanked him and drove over to the nursing home. The night nurse and a guard greeted me at the door. We went up to the third floor of the large building. In the day room, the nurse introduced me to Hannah.She was a sweet, silver-haired oldtimer with a warm smile and a twinkle in her eye. I told her about finding the wallet and showed her the letter. The second she saw the powder blue envelope with that little flower on the left, she took a deep breath and said, Young man, this letter was the last contact I ever had with Michael.She looked away for a moment deep in thought and then said softly, I loved him very much. But I was only 16 at the time and my mother felt I was too young. Oh, he was so handsome. He looked like Sean Connery, the actor.Yes, she continued. Michael Goldstein was a wonderful person. If you should find him, tell him I think of him often. And, she hesitated for a moment, almost biting her lip, tell him I still love him. You know, she said smiling as tears began to well up in her eyes, I never did marry. I guess no one ever matched up to MichaelI thanked Hannah and said goodbye. I took the elevator to the first floor and as I stood by the door, the guard there asked, Was the old lady able to help you?I told him she had given me a lead. At least I have a last name. But I think Ill let it go for a while. I spent almost the whole day trying to find the owner of this wallet.I had taken out the wallet, which was a simple brown leather case with red lacing on the side. When the guard saw it, he said, Hey, wait a minute! Thats Mr. Goldsteins wallet. Id know it anywhere with that bright red lacing. Hes always losing that wallet. I must have found it in the halls at least three times.Whos Mr. Goldstein? I asked as my hand began to shake.Hes one of the oldtimers on the 8th floor. Thats Mike Goldsteins wallet for sure. He must have lost it on one of his walks. I thanked the guard and quickly ran back to the nurses office. I told her what the guard had said. We went back to th e elevator and got on. I prayed that Mr. Goldstein would be up.On the eighth floor, the floor nurse said, I think hes still in the day room. He likes to read at night. Hes a darling old man.We went to the only room that had any lights on and there was a man reading a book. The nurse went over to him and asked if he had lost his wallet. Mr. Goldstein looked up with surprise, put his hand in his back pocket and said, Oh, it is missing!This kind gentleman found a wallet and we wondered if it could be yours?I handed Mr. Goldstein the wallet and the second he saw it, he smiled with relief and said, Yes, thats it! It must have dropped out of my pocket this afternoon. I want to give you a reward.No, thank you, I said. But I have to tell you something. I read the letter in the hope of finding out who owned the wallet.The smile on his face suddenly disappeared. You read that letter?Not only did I read it, I think I know where Hannah is.He suddenly grew pale. Hannah? You know where she is? Ho w is she? Is she still as pretty as she was? Please, please tell me, he begged.Shes finejust as pretty as when you knew her. I said softly.The old man smiled with anticipation and asked, Could you tell me where she is? I want to call her tomorrow. He grabbed my hand and said, You know something, Mister? I was so in love with that girl that when that letter came, my life literally ended. I never married. I guess Ive always loved her.Mr. Goldstein, I said, Come with me.We took the elevator down to the third floor. The hallways were darkened and only one or two little night-lights lit our way to the day room where Hannah was sitting alone watching the television. The nurse walked over to her.Hannah, she said softly, pointing to Michael, who was waiting with me in the doorway. Do you know this man?She adjusted her glasses, looked for a moment, but didnt say a word. Michael said softly, almost in a whisper, Hannah, its Michael. Do you remember me?She gasped, Michael! I dont believe it! M ichael! Its you! My Michael! He walked slowly towards her and they embraced. The nurse and I left with tears streaming down our faces.See, I said. See how the Good Lord works! If its meant to be, it will be.About three weeks later I got a call at my office from the nursing home. Can you break away on Sunday to attend a wedding? Michael and Hannah are going to tie the knot!It was a beautiful wedding with all the people at the nursing home dressed up to join in the celebration. Hannah wore a light beige dress and looked beautiful. Michael wore a dark blue suit and stood tall. They made me their best man.The hospital gave them their own room and if you ever wanted to see a 76-year-old bride and a 79-year-old groom acting like two teenagers, you had to see this couple.A perfect ending for a love affair that had lasted nearly 60 years.Author Unknown Story was submitted by visitor: Taurus Queen dateline1924 60 years: This story was probably written close to 30 years ago.
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